Feb 12, 2020 | Sustainable Events


Sustainable Blackawton “Action for change” meeting _ School Hall Monday 27 January 2020 17:30

Present: Robin Mewes, Rachel Burris, Ruth Coe, Lesley Mallyon, Sue Hadow, Jane Barsby,

Carey Burton, Jan & Andrea Scott, Claudia Benzies, Laura and James Perry, Charlotte Everett, Bob Harvey,

Richard Powell, Veronique Azam

Apologies : Will Benzies, Adam Gaisford, Kate Purver, Chris Wilson

Bob Harvey spoke at length about the “Devon Hedge Group” and their promotion of trees in hedges, an initiative also supported by the NFU. He suggested that school children might be encouraged to “rate” local hedges on their various travels around the parish, Rachel agreed to look at the app he introduced to the meeting. Bob suggested that local farmers might be approached to curb their hedge cutting so as to leave some trees to grow in hedges as they have done in Brittany, and as a North Devon farmer has with the aim of coppicing wood for fuel. Bob to send contact details of this North Devon farmer to Robin. Bob warned of the various plant diseases now known in UK trees, Oak processionary moth, Ash dieback, sweet chestnut disease, and the threat of Xylella, and asked all present to be aware of these.

Robin introduced Laura’s new role as our communications co-ordinator, Laura will collate contributions to the Beacon and update the web site with these. Tip of the month, Recipe of the month, Notice of events are to be sent to Laura so that our activities are all promoted to the community.

Soup and film (“2040”) evening is to be on 29th February 6 – 9:30pm, date already published in February Beacon, soup and bread to be provided by SB members. Claudia / Lesley to confirm availability of film maybe contacting Sune if necessary, Robin may also contact Green Wedmore; volunteers to be available to communicate “sustainable issues” to visitors, requests for donations to be alongside soup service. Stevie Rogers may provide brochures and information on gardening for wild life and to encourage insects. All welcome, Robin will contact Sune and extend invitation to neighbouring Sustainable groups

Robin confirmed DCC have contributed a grant of £300

Many discussed the recent XR talk in Kingsbridge, appreciated the presentation by two speakers who, though factual about climate change potential disasters, were both able to be positive about what can be done by individuals, including lobbying business and government to make good decisions.

It was felt that Sustainable Dittisham should be invited to Blackawton.

Robin and Rachel told of the preliminary visit to Blackawton School of Dan Turner from South Dartmoor Community Energy, and the report he produced has already suggested ways in which the school could cut their carbon footprint and also save money. A grant will be applied for to pay for a more in depth study and report, subject to the ongoing support of the School authorities. Carbon offset payments may be a possible source to support recommended improvements, and Parish Council, Village Hall, Energy Local, Crowd Funding are all other potential sources – yet to be investigated.

Carshare scheme suggested by Thierry is to be discussed after his return to UK – hopefully Jerry Neville will be able to also attend as he has some experience of lift sharing.

Grant funds for SB are currently held by Blackawton Parish Council – is this acceptable as a long term arrangement? Annette to be asked to confirm.

Members of SB confirmed they were happy to have name, telephone number and e-mail recorded on a “Members Register” – this question arose when the option of hiring the West Dart Bus was suggested.

Jan suggested everyone should add Ecosia as a web browser, search engine so that more trees are planted around the world.

Playing Fields committee are awaiting a proposal from SB on planting on the sites that PF are responsible. Forest Food group notes to be reviewed and form basis of a draft plan to present to PF Committee.

Rachel expressed concern that too few sites might be available for school trees arriving in March, she was reassured by Claudia, Will, Ruth and Robin that there will be space for all. Ruth to walk Rachel through meadow behind The George Inn, and Claudia’s meadow.

Centenary Stone Garden is to be planted with the “Wildflower Garden” option voted for by the majority.

Sue Hadow asked if “Hodmadods” might be a supplier to the community shop.

Next meeting 7pm on 24th February 2020