Patient Participation Groups

Chillington Health Centre Patient Participation Group

We publish a regular newsletter, the most recent copy of which is available by clicking on the icon at the bottom of this page.

Every GP practice is required to have a patient Participation Group (PPG) to provide communication and dialogue between the practice and its patients, and so address the changing needs of the practice community.

Chillington PPG are volunteers who meet regularly with the practice manager and one of the doctors – usually the senior partner, Francis Carnegy. The group discusses the services available, and how changes can be made for the benefit of patients and the practice.

Any Chillington patient – or their carer – can become a member of the PPG. Our roles include:

  • Acting as a critical friend to the practice
  • Advising on the patient perspective
  • Providing insight into the responsiveness and quality of services
  • Research into patient views
  • Communication with patients

There is a Facebook Group that provides a virtual platform if you are interested but don’t feel you could commit to meetings in person at the Health Centre. We’re aiming to post regularly about health and wellbeing issues relevant to our community.

You may also have met some members of the PPG marshalling at vaccination clinics. We can always use extra help for this, especially in the car park. And there might be other roles you feel you could contribute: help with IT or social media perhaps.

This is a welcoming, inclusive group for everyone. The only requirement is that members should be committed to open, respectful, and constructive discussion – this is not a forum for complaints about the practice or discussion of personal health issues. Any such issues should be addressed directly with the surgery.

It you’d like to join us, or ask us to raise an issue, or have an idea you’d like to discuss, please use the contact details below to get in touch.

Contact Name: Andie Day 07767 821651
Alternative Contact Names: Sue Gay 07968 969193,
Kim Greening 07942 289114

Contact Email:
Website Address:

PPG News - January 2025 (PDF)

Coming soon!

Coming soon!