SusDit Presents: Hugh Warwick: How to help our Hedgehogs?
Wednesday 10th Feb (next Wednesday)
If there’s someone you’d call “The Hedgehog person” in the UK, it’s Hugh Warwick, and we’re lucky enough to have him join us for a SusDit meeting to help answer the seemingly simple question:
“What can we do in our gardens, our land, and our interactions with councils and other bodies, to help hedgehogs?”
The meeting is via Zoom, and free to attend.
Behaviour Change principals for environmental and sustainability communications
Thursday 11 Feb, 5-6:15pm
“Join Sustainability and Behaviour Change Consultant, Livvy Drake – she will show you how behaviour change principles can transform your campaigns. Livvy has studied behaviour change at the University of West of England and has a successful track record of applying these principles to award-winning campaigns”
Climate Action North – Trees and Bees Online Conference to celebrate International Day of Forests 2021
Friday 19th March
10 am – 2 pm
“An event focussing on the benefits of rewilding with Trees and Bees and the role of both species as an essential solution in the current Climate Emergency”
There’s a great lineup of speakers and a guest presentation by Isabella Tree, of rewilding fame.