The draft minutes ca be read below or downloaded here: MN_2022_October 04 BPC Approved Minutes
APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council held on Tuesday 4 October 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall
Open Forum
No matters raised.
Present: Cllrs Mewes (Vice-Chair and meeting Chair), Curry, Mallyon, Ougton, and Thomas were present, as was South Hams District Councillor Reeve, and A Thom (Clerk). There were no members of the public.
- Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Rake (Chair) and Devon County Cllr Brazil. Cllr Coe was absent.
- Declarations of Interest
None declared.
- Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of the Meeting held 6 September (version 2 with the correction of the Minute of ‘Main Street Phone Box Refurbishment’ item to record three options not two) and 26 September 2022 were approved.
- Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
SHDC Cllr Reeve reported that SHDC resumed in-house delivery of the waste and recycling service this week. Free green waste collections cease at the end of October. Next spring SHDC will commence charging for an optional green waste collection service.
Work has restarted at French Furze. The business units’ lights and floor have been done. The Section 106 Officer has been consulted by Cllr Reeve.
None of the funding available from SHDC to set up community composting sites has been spent. The identification of a suitable site seems to be the obstacle.
Help is available to assist with cost of living. Please contact Cllr Reeve and she will signpost. SHDC has a dedicated ‘Reducing Fuel Bills’ webpage.
- Report from Devon County Council Councillor
DCC Cllr Brazil’s written report said that DCC is continuing to implement emergency financial measures to try and balance its 22/23 finances.
DCC has submitted a planning application for the Slapton War Memorial however it needs be changed to correct the location.
There are motions coming to full Council on Thursday on second homes (to double council tax) and unrestricted (timewise) bus passes for people aged over 80 years of age.
- Planning Applications
- SHDC Planning Decisions
The following decisions were noted:
- 1709/22/FUL Watsons Farm Blackawton TQ9 7AZ. Construction of new dwelling (in lieu of application 1747/21/PDM which provides prior approval for the change of use of the agricultural building to 3no. dwellings). Conditional Approval.
- 2331/22/PDM Higher Pasture Farm East Allington TQ9 7QA. Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed change of use of agricultural buildings to 5No. dwellinghouses (Class C3) and for associated operational development (Class Q (a+b)). Prior Approval Refused.
- 2437/22/CLP 3 Main Street Blackawton TQ9 7BG. Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed use of existing utility area to habitable space & energy efficiency works to the building envelope. Cert of Lawfulness (Proposed) Certified.
- Consultations
- South West Water, Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan. Closes 7 October 2022.
BPC would have liked to be able to comment on the Plan but the notice period is too short. BPC was not sent the consultation at all but heard of it from other organisations. Blackawton Parish Council has been corresponding with SWW about the sewage being discharged into the River Garra. The Clerk was asked to write to complain about the unsatisfactory conduct of the consultation.
- Installation of Habitat Boxes
It was agreed to accept the proposed installation locations in the Churchyard as circulated: placing two hedgehog boxes in sheltered positions near the rear boundary, insect boxes fixed to the rear wall, and bird and bat boxes screwed to the trees along the path leading to School Lane. - Purchase of Yellow Rattle Seed
It was resolved to approve expenditure of up to £160 to purchase 500g of seed, which will cover extensive sowing in the churchyard and some sowing in the cemetery. SHDC Cllr Reeve supported the expenditure being taken from her grant.
- Carbon Savvy Course
Cllrs selected an option which provides all councillors with logins to access the course material and access to use the videos at a council meeting or public meetings of up to 50 people (at a cost of £99 as previously approved).
- Blackawton’s Response to Power Infrastructure Requirements during the Energy Transition
Deferred pending further information.
- SHDC Habitat Homes Grant
Cllr Reeve confirmed her support for the £39.86 balance, due to a VAT component, to also be transferred to the Blackawton Primary School Forrest School.
- Cemetery Maintenance
Arrangements for maintenance of the area at the rear of the Cemetery were discussed. Cllr Thomas has received a quote of £350 for hire of a 3 tonne digger, its transport, and labour for one day. They will clear and level as much as possible. It won’t be possible to replace the Monterey tree stump in its hole. They can bank around it. The proposal is to do the work as soon as possible weather permitting. The Clerk confirmed the agreement for the work would need to be made directly with the plant hire company. The meeting discussed the price and based on its knowledge of related costs agreed that this was a good price and the meeting was supportive of proceeding. The Clerk said that they would ask the Chair for support of the expenditure because of the late provision of the quote.
The meeting also discussed the management of soil arising from burials and suggested setting aside a specific area of the cemetery for that purpose to prevent a recurrence of this issue.
- Cost of Living Support
SHDC Cllr Reeve confirmed that there is support available. People may not be aware of the support. SHDC’s leaflets will be placed in the Shop. BPC will work to share information about support available, including on the community website and with an advert in the Beacon.
- Finance
- Update on Current Financial Position
The reports show a total cashbook balance of £60,983.29 and a general fund of £18,871.59. The bank reconciliation has a £1 error due to a £1 test transfer made to a new recipient who has not yet confirmed its receipt.
- Payments & Receipts
The following payments were authorised:
- Community Heartbeat Trust, Annual Support grant, £198
- Clerk, Reimbursement of September office expenses, CE35 £13.98
The following payments made since the September meeting were noted:
- NEST Pension August, £35.35
- Clerk, September Salary and approved overtime, £443.01
- HMRC, September PAYE, £114.00
The following receipt was noted:
- SHDC, Precept second instalment, £8,750.00
- BPC Financial Regulations
The draft Regulations and Clerk’s Report documents were approved by resolution as circulated with the specified limits increased to £1,000 and one change: that the record of transactions authorised will be printed from the online Lloyds account.
- Bank Mandate
It was resolved to remove two previous councillors from the mandate and to add Cllr Oughton with full access including online access.
- Correspondence
The following correspondence was noted:
- Devon Community Resilience Forum virtual event 14-16 November
- 5/9/22, Resident, Request for help from the Parish Lengthsman. Passed on to new Parish Lengthsman
- 29/9/22 Stagecoach, significant changes to local bus services from 30/10/22
- Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 1 November 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
The meeting closed at 20:56.