The minutes can be downloaded here or read below MN_2022_March 14 BPC EM Approved Minutes
APPROVED Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council held on Monday 14 March 2022 at 2:30 p.m. in Blackawton Cemetery
Present: Councillors Rake (Chair), Mallyon, and Thomas were present, as was A Thom (Clerk),
65/22 Absent
Cllrs Coe, Curry, Mewes, and Oughton were absent.
66/22 Declarations of Interest
None declared.
67/22 Closure of the Meeting
It was resolved to close the meeting to the press and members of the public because of the commercial in confidence nature of the business.
68/22 Clearance of Fallen Tree
It was resolved to choose Copper Tops as the contractor to clear the fallen tree in the Blackawton Cemetery at a cost of £810 if they can do the work in a reasonable timeframe. It was resolved to choose a second contractor who was also suitable to do the work.