Approved Minutes 2022 March 01

Mar 31, 2022 | Minutes

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APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council held on Tuesday 1 March 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall

Present: Councillors Rake (Chair). Mewes (Vice-Chair). Mallyon, Oughton, and Thomas were present as were South Hams District Councillor Reeve, Devon County Councillor Brazil for his report, A Thom (Clerk), and one member of the public for the Open Forum.

Open Forum

  1. Sewage Overflow into The Gara

A member of the public reported that sewage overflowed 118 times last year. The river flows directly into Slapton Lee.

  1. Water Vole Reintroduction

The member of the public reported that Sustainable Blackawton is working on a project to reintroduce water voles into The Gara. They are a keystone species and provide biodiversity. Populations have decreased by 90% since the 1950s. Possible sites are being investigated

39/22    Absent

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Coe and Curry.

40/22    Co-option of a Parish Councillor 

It was resolved to co-opt Chris Oughton to fill the vacancy for a Parish Councillor.

The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.

41/22    Minutes of Previous Meetings

The Minutes of the Meeting held 1 February 2022 were approved.

42/22    Report from South Hams District Council Councillor

It is likely brown bin collections will start again at the end of March or beginning of April.

Councillor Reeve was contacted by residents regarding the temporary closure of Main Street. There was no notice given and no road closure sign placed at Forces Cross. Devon County Councillor Brazil will follow this matter up.

The Climate Change Fund is under-subscribed by projects and has been extended.

Please provide input into the current consultation about the climate change components of the Joint Local Plan.

SHDC has a pilot scheme providing a deposit buy a home.

43/22    Report from Devon County Council Councillor

Devon County Councillor Brazil reported that DCC has increased its portion of Council Tax by 2% and by 1% for Adult Social Care.

A DCC Highways Officer has responded that DCC’s speed limit policy does not support extending the village speed limit to beyond the entrance to French Furze. Councillor Brazil will ask the Highways Officer about the application of a 20mph speed limit within French Furze.

Regarding the proposal to consult residents about the removal or reduction of street lighting in the village, a DCC Officer has replied that at present there is no DCC policy, and they will need to prepare a formal policy before this can be progressed.

Support of refugees from Ukraine is a DCC matter.

44/22    Village Speed Limit – Extension beyond French Furze

The response from DCC regarding moving the village speed limit beyond the entrance to French Furze was noted above.

45/22    Designation of 20 mph speed limit for Blackawton Village

It was resolved to apply to DCC for a 20mph limit in the village, including French Furze and to the entrance to French Furze on the road between Trench Furze corner and Forces Cross. This application will start the process. If it progresses, there will be public consultation.

46/22    Street Lighting

The response from DCC about the possibility of removing or reducing street lighting in the village is noted above. BPC’s public consultation is therefore deferred pending DCC’s Policy.

47/22          Declarations of Interest in Agenda items

It was resolved to grant Councillors Rake and Thomas dispensations until 25 May 2023 to speak and vote on matters relating to the Blackawton Business Units CIC, of which they are the founding Directors.

48/22          Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

BPC welcomes residents’ ideas to celebrate the Jubilee. Councillor Rake will include in an article for the Beacon. The renovation of the phone kiosk may be a suitable project.

49/22          Planning Issues

49/22.1 SHDC Planning Decisions

The decisions were noted as follows:

  • 2976/21/FUL Land at Greenslade House Greenslade Road Blackawton TQ9 7BP. Erection of new detached dwelling house including landscaping works. Conditional Approval.
  • 4625/21/NMM Proposed Development At Sx 8074 5071 Blackawton. Non Material Minor amendment to planning consent 1972/17/FUL for reduction to front wall, minor window position amendments and new internal layout. Conditional Approval.

49/22.2 Review of New Applications

  • 0322/22/HHO Higher Hutcherleigh Blackawton Totnes TQ9 7AD. Householder application for extension to dwelling.

Support (resolution proposed Councillor Rake, seconded Councillor Thomas).

  • 0227/22/PDM Barn at Dallacombe Farm, Blackawton, Totnes, TQ9 7AH. Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to 1No. dwellinghouse (Class C3) and associated operational development (Class Q (a +b)).
    For information only.
  • Dartmouth Neighbourhood Plan, Regulation 15 Consultation, Closes 8 April

No comment made by BPC.

50/22    Consultations

  • Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) and Association of Democratic Services (ADSO) Petition

It was resolved to write to support the petition to change the law to allow remote and hybrid meetings.

  • SHDC Homelessness Strategy Consultation, Closes 23 March.

No comment made by BPC.

  • Invitation Cabinet Office & UK Health Security Agency – Living with COVID-19, 2/3/22, 11:00

51/22    French Furze Project

It was resolved to authorise expenditure of £1,500 each to obtain legal advice regarding the community facilities and regarding the Blackawton Business Units. This is to enable a response at short notice if necessary.

52/22    French Furze Business Units

The visit with SHDC on 7 February to assess the business units in preparation for handover was noted. SHDC has sent the post-visit correspondence to Vistry.

53/22    Phone Kiosk Project

It was agreed to commence the promotion of the project to renovate and use the phone kiosk. Ideas are welcomed.

54/22    Environment Policy Community Action Plan

Adoption of the December 2021 revision was deferred for consideration by the 5 April meeting. The document is now unwieldy and possibly not fit for use in this way.

55/22    Encouraging our Councils to stop investing in fossil fuels

It was resolved to write to DCC and to SHDC as circulated. The Clerk will first confirm BPC has a relevant power.

56/22    Lengthsman’s Contract

Renewal of the contract for one year 1/4/22-31/3/22 was deferred to the 5 April meeting.

57/22    Review of Procedures

The review of Standing Orders, Publication Scheme, and Financial Regulations was deferred to the 5 April meeting.

58/22    Finance

58/22.1       Update on Current Financial Position

The Report showed a total balance of £55,648.98 and unearmarked reserves of £11,847.53.

58/22.2       Payments & Receipts

The payment of the Clerk Expenses Reimbursement CE30, £17.86, was authorised.

To following receipt was noted: Resident, Interment, £125.00

58/22.3       The Clerk’s claim of eight hours overtime was authorised.

59/22    Purchase of a Parish Council Computer

It was resolved to authorise expenditure of approximately £550 to purchase a computer.

60/22    Hire of the Village Hall

It was resolved to accept the revised Conditions of Hire and to approve payment of the £50 security deposit.

61/22    Speeding in Ashprington Parish

BPC is not nominating a councillor to take part in Ashprington Parish Council’s review of speeding in the Parish.

62/22    Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

It was confirmed that the AMPC will take place at the start of the monthly meeting on 10 May.

63/22    Annual Parish Meeting

17 May 2022 was set to hold the Annual Parish Meeting. The deferred speakers on fraud protection and energy efficiency will be re-invited.

63/22    Next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:30 p.m.

64/22    Performance Appraisal and 21/22 Pay Increase
It was resolved to close the meeting to the public and press because employment matters are confidential.

It was confirmed that the 1.75% 21/22 Award increase will be applied from 1 April 2021.

Time constraint is an issue, however it was agreed that standard hours of work will not be increased at present. The objectives identified in the review include: to review BPC’s Policies and Procedures and compliance with Data Retention & Disposal Policy, to consider transfer to a ‘paperless office’ and to Accounting and Cemetery software, and to work to ensure BPC’s systems provide an efficient, friendly and transparent service to the community.