Approved Minutes 2022 July 05

Jul 15, 2022 | Minutes

The Approved minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2022_July BPC Approved Minutes

APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish held on
Tuesday 5 July 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall

Open Forum

  1. a) Planning Application 1785/22/FUL The Old Dairy, North Millcombe Farm, Blackawton Devon TQ9 7AE.

A member of the public described the application and the reason for it.

Present: Councillors Rake (Chair), Mewes (Vice-Chair), Coe, Mallyon, Ougton, and Thomas were present, as were South Hams District Councillor Reeve, Devon County Councillor Brazil for his report, and A Thom (Clerk). There was one member of the public.

134/22  Review of New Applications

  • 1785/22/FUL The Old Dairy, North Millcombe Farm Blackawton Devon TQ9 7AE. Demolition of an existing agricultural building & construction of a replacement dwelling following Class Q approval 2462/19/PDM & associated landscaping.

This item was moved forward on the Agenda at the Chair’s discretion.

It was resolved to Support the application.

135/22  Absent

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Curry.

136/22  Declarations of Interest

None declared

137/22  Minutes of Previous Meetings

It was agreed to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 June 2022.

138/22  Report from South Hams District Council Councillor

SHDC Cllr Reeve reported that Follaton Officers are gradually returning to work on-site. The Reception is not open and won’t be reopening. SHDC can be contacted by phone and email.

There are still problems with Waste removal. News is expected soon.

There is a big planning meeting tomorrow to make a decision about a proposal to build an Aldi in Ivybridge

In the French Furze Business Units, the exterior lights are all being changed. The issues raised with floor finish are being followed up. They are gradually getting through snagging. Cllr Reeve thinks that the fencing will be tidied up. There is a meeting with the groundworks supervisor next week to review the dip in the MUGA. The developer has refused to pay to remove the unwanted steps towards the School. Cllrs said that for transfer to BPC to be considered the MUGA needs to be level and built to safety and that there is rubble behind business units to be removed. SHDC needs to be satisfied that the terms of the S106 have been met. A report would be needed from the developer on the fixing of the MUGA. It was agreed that Cllr Rake would write to the developer.

Cllr Reeve reported that the installation of the new waste bin requested by BPC at French Furze is pending.

139/22  Report from Devon County Council Councillor

Item deferred pending the arrival of DCC Cllr Brazil from another meeting.

140/22  Planning Applications

140/22.1     SHDC Planning Decisions

The following decisions were noted:

  • 1103/22/FUL Hutcherleigh Turn Blackawton Totnes. Agricultural building for storage. Conditional Approval
  • 1315/22/HHO Woodfin Cottage Blackawton TQ9 7BW. Householder application for proposed landscaping works to garden, new and altered windows to main dwelling and internal alterations. Conditional Approval

140/22.2     Review of New Applications

  • 1709/22/FUL Watsons Farm Blackawton TQ9 7AZ. Construction of new dwelling (in lieu of application 1747/21/PDM which provides prior approval for the change of use of the agricultural building to 3no. dwellings).

It was resolved to Support the application.

  • For information. No statutory consultation requirement – 2120/22/COM Wadstray Top Middle Wadstray Farm Blackawton Totnes TQ9 7DD. Notice of Intent to Install Electronic Communication Apparatus comprising three Antennas, three RRH’s and one GPS Node and associated ancillary equipment on the existing tower.

141/22  Relocation Site for the Monument – Slapton War Memorial

BPC has been asked to think about finding an alternative relocation site for the Monument.

The Clerk was asked to respond that BPC agrees to please keep all channels open, BPC will be pleased to review proposals, and to ask if there is anything it can do to help.

Cllr Thomas will write to ask if the Torr Cross end of Slapton line near the tank has been considered.

142/22  Management of Blackawton Trees

BPC discussed the management of the ash in the St Michael’s churchyard. The tree has progressive ash dieback. It was agreed to make arrangements to remove the tree. The proposed replacement tree is a Rowan.

It was resolved that the Clerk is delegated responsibility to choose the removal contractor in consultation with the Chair. Quotes will be circulated to all councillors prior to a decision being made. BPC will ask for logs to be left stacked safely for residents to remove for firewood. An application will be made to SHDC for removal of the tree, which is in a Conservation Area; initially an exemption application, and if that is not possible a standard application.

143/22  Proposal to Use Village Halls to Create a Network of Outposts for Police Officers

BPC considered the questions in the letter from Anthony Mangnall MP about a building to be used within the Parish. The letter has been referred to the Village Hall, which was advised by the MP’s staff that the Hall doesn’t have the facilities they require.

144/22  Finance

144/22.1     Update on Current Financial Position

To reports which showed total funds of £57,512.74, earmarked reserves of £42,796.84, and general funds of £14,715.90 were received.

144/22.2     Payments & Receipts

The following payments were approved:

  • ARCCAS Grounds Maintenance:
  • 4/5/22 & 18/5/22 Churchyard Frequent, £180.00
  • 4/5/22 & 18/5/22 Cemetery Frequent Yellow & Blue, £204.00
  • Clerk, Office expenses reimbursement June, CE33 £17.37
  • Devon Communities Together, Annual Fee, £50

The following payments made since the 7 July meeting were noted:

  • Clerk, June salary & May overtime, £443.01
  • HMRC PAYE June, £114

It was noted that the pension payment due in June failed during the payment account change and will be paid late, in July.

The following receipt was noted:

  • SHDC, Habitat Homes Grant, £500

145/22  Report from Devon County Council Councillor

Devon County Councillor Brazil reported that a DCC Officer will do a safety audit of the proposal for reduction or removal of street lighting in Blackawton. They will assess whether the change would cause a risk. They will then set parameters which are acceptable to DCC, which BPC will then be able to consult residents about. DCC has a new database which can create bespoke lighting, for example bespoke times to switch lights off. LED lighting is being rolled out by DCC. LED rollout in Blackawton will be deferred until the consultation has been completed in case they would need to be removed.

Blackawton is not included on the project to reduce speed limits to 20 mph. Only four locations were chosen. Cllr Brazil has asked how DCC will roll it out more widely and said that it needs a core budget and a rolling program.

DCC has serious budget overspend problems. There is a £30 million overspend. There is an £85-£86 million deficit in the Dedicated School Grant, which will be £117 million by the end of 22/23. That spend is mainly on Special Educational Needs.

Strete Gate Car Park is being considered as the relocation site for the Monument.

The Slapton Line Adaptation Manager has left. There is a lack of unity amongst elected councillors regarding adaptation to the loss of the road versus retaining the road. Additional funding for retention would need to come from Treasury. The MP is in favour of retention.

The Blackawton speed survey has been done. It has been decided by DCC Officers that no further action or intervention is required.

146/22  Habitat Homes Grant

It was resolved to pay invoices of £239.14 for supplies, £250 to A Gaisford (for three days of workshops), and to pass the balance of the grant of £10.86 to the Forrest School, or to South Hams Citizens Advice if there is no power to make the former transfer.

147/22  Correspondence

The following correspondence was noted:

  • Invitation – Dartmouth Academy/ Reach Programme – 12 July 2022, 11am – 4pm
  • 28/6/22 Response received from SWW with further details about ‘spills’ into the Garra

Cllr Mewes will write to SWW again, about the high number of reported spills.

  • 24/6/22 Blackawton Primary School Forrest School, sent thanks and a report and photos of a brilliant start to the habitat homes project
  • 22/6/22 St Michael’s PCC updated by BPC regarding memorial safety inspection by BPC
  • 21/6/22 BPFC contacted BPC about adding tennis court membership & booking to the community website. This was done.
  • 14/6/22 Request to cut back trees in the playground. This was forwarded by BPC to BPFC

148/22  Next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 6 September 2022 at 7:30 p.m.

149/22  Closure of the Meeting

It was not necessary to resolve to close the meeting to consider quotes.

The meeting closed at 9:02.