The Approved Minutes can be read below or downloaded here:
APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council held on
Tuesday 1 November 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall
Open Forum
No matters raised.
Present: Councillors Rake (Chair), Mewes (Vice-Chair), Coe, Curry, Mallyon, Ougton, and Thomas were present, as were South Hams District Cllr Reeve, Devon County Cllr Brazil for his report, A Thom (Clerk), and one member of the public (Tree Warden).
Tree Warden
This item was moved up the Agenda at the Chair’s discretion.
The tree warden discussed their lay view that the trees in the Cemetery do not appear to be a hazard to the public at present, apart from the broken branch on the Cyprus. The hedges will need to be “faced” alongside the road, but it is probably unnecessary to “top” or “face” the inside of the hedges.
They discussed the potential to get free fuel from trees in hedges; for example ashes which need to be removed, and an approach to farm hedges using a 20 year coppice system. There are cost savings on flailing, and environmental benefits – facing is not a problem but topping is an issue.
All Parish Councillors present.
Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Rake and Thomas have declared an other registerable interest as founding directors of the Blackawton Business Units CIC and have a current dispensation to speak and vote.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
It was agreed to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 October 2022.
Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
South Hams District Councillor Reeves said that if there are problems with waste and recycling collections to please tell her.
Bird flu is bad and from 7 November all poultry must be shut in.
On 14 November to 15 November SHDC will do its annual estimate of how many people are rough sleeping and to please tell SHDC if aware of people who are rough sleeping in Blackawton.
There is help with the cost of living from SHDC. Please contact SHDC or Cllr Reeve if you need help.
The recent meeting to assess the construction of the Business Units was positive.
Cllr Reeve will follow up with SHDC that the new waste bin at French Furze needs emptying.
Report from Devon County Council Councillor
DCC Cllr Brazil reported that DCC’s financial position is dire. It needs to find savings by the end of the year. Cuts seem likely. Special educational needs and disability have more deficits but their finances are on separate books.
A meeting of the DCC Cabinet next Wednesday will detail children’s and adult services statutory duties.
The movement of the Memorial at Slapton seems to be progressing; with SHDC, the Field Studies Centre, and DCC working together.
Planning Applications
- SHDC Planning Decisions
The following decisions were noted:
- 3039/22/ARC Land at Pasture Cross East Allington. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 5 (boundary vegetation) of planning consent 0232/19/FUL. Discharge of condition Approved.
- 2562/22/FUL Waterslade Blackawton TQ9 7BS. Alteration & extension of existing outbuilding to provide 2 bedroom cottage. Withdrawn.
- 2455/22/ARC Hutcherleigh Turn Blackawton Devon. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 6 (Surface Water) of planning application 1103/22/FUL. Discharge of condition Approved.
- 2852/22/HHO Netheravon 2 Vicarage Road Blackawton TQ9 7AY. Householder application for rear courtyard extension to existing dwelling. Conditional Approval.
- : Review of New Applications
3201/22/FUL Field at SX 815 647 Blackawton. Erection of agricultural building.
It was unanimously resolved to Support.
3592/22/HHO 11 Cheavestone Lea Blackawton TQ9 7AU. Householder application for single storey rear dining & utility room extension with associated internal alterations & external works.
It was unanimously resolved to Support.
For Information:
3533/22/PDM Higher Pasture Farm East Allington TQ9 7QA Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of 3No. agricultural buildings to 5No. dwellinghouses (Class C3) and for associated operational development (Class Q (a+b)).
- Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Services, Council Tax, Closes 30/11/22 12:00
- SHDC, Council Tax Reduction Scheme. Closes 27/11/22.
No comment will be made by BPC on the above consultations.
Cost of Living
The survey to ask Blackawton Residents about their experience and what type of assistance would be useful was agreed. It will be available online and in the shop.
Possible actions were discussed and are being researched.
Business Units
The proposal to transfer some earmarked reserves to the Blackawton Business Units CIC was deferred to the 6 December Agenda.
Electricity Infrastructure for the Energy Transition
The proposal for a public meeting to discuss costs to install household EV charging points and heat pumps, and community renewable energy projects was deferred.
Remembrance Service
It was confirmed that Cllr Rake will attend the Service and that a £25 donation will be made by BPC to the Royal British Legion. The Clerk will ask the maintenance contractor to clean up the Memorial area.
Landscaping Work in the Cemetery
The Clerk reported that the work to grade the rear of the cemetery has been completed with a very good result. It was agreed that the Clerk will consult with Sustainable Blackawton to plant a wildflower meadow in the bare earth. Expenditure can be approved by the Clerk in consultation with the Chair.
The meeting was advised that the wall adjoining back lane has been damaged at some point. The Clerk will investigate its repair.
Lengthsman Report
Deferred pending receipt of a Report. The Lengthsman has completed a handover and started work.
Update on Current Financial Position
The reports showed a balance of £59,798.61 and general fund of £17,701.77, and reconciled.
Payments & Receipts
The following payments were authorised by resolution:
Judges Webdesign, Website updates, £30.00
Clerk Expenses Reimbursement 2022 October CE36 £68.37
Maintenance Contractor, Autumn bus shelter cleans & wall clearance, replace slates Cemetery shed, £612.00
The renewal of Parish Online subscription, £58.80, was authorised by resolution.
The following payments made since the October meeting were noted:
NEST Pension September, £35.35
Clerk, October Salary, £393.85
HMRC, October PAYE, £101.00
The following receipt was noted:
Reimbursement for re-fixing of memorial, £175.
The following correspondence was noted:
30/9/22 Family History enquiry. Forwarded to Blackawton and Strete History.
8/10/22 The Pensions Regulator, Re-declaration for BPC
25/10/22 Dogs Trust Canine Care Card Service
West Dart Bus. Webpage administrator access arranged.
Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 6 December 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
The meeting closed at 21:30