To all members of Blackawton Parish Council 30 January 2025
You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Blackawton Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall for the purpose of transacting the following business.
a. Open Forum
The Chair invites Questions from Parishioners.
b. Councillors Forum
Cllrs may raise items for attention or for future consideration.
To receive apologies for absence
Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of Members’ interests in Agenda items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
To approve the Minutes of the Meetings held 3 December 2024 and 27 January 2025, and the Notes of the meeting on 7 January 2025.
Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
Report from Devon County Council Councillor
Planning Applications
- SHDC Planning Decisions
To note the decision as follows:
Approved application to Name or Number a New Street [[RP/526439]]1 – 11 (consecutive) Dartmouth Grove, Blackawton, Totnes, TQ9 7FX.
- Review of New Applications
To comment to SHDC on the following application:
0095/25/ARC Penlows Park Lane Blackawton TQ9 7BD. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 3 (Structural Drawings) to planning consent 2798/24/HHO.
- Planning Appeal Notification
222/24/HHO Washwalk Mill Blackawton TQ9 7AE. Householder application for conversion & extension. to the Secretary of State in respect of the above site. The appeal follows the Refusal of Planning Permission of existing outbuildings as ancillary use only & additional parking.
- Consultations
Government Consultation: ‘Strengthening the Standards and Conduct Framework for Local Authorities in England’. Closes 12 February 2025.
Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service: Process to respond to automatic fire alarms.
To consider action by BPC.
Payments & Receipts
To authorise the following payments
Clerk Expenses Reimbursement November £34.96, December £28.23, and January £29.58
Payments authorised since the last monthly meeting
Cleaning of Blackawton PC’s bus shelters £222.00
WCAG 2.2 standard website accessibility assessment £80.00
Tindle Newspapers, Advert for grounds maintenance contract £168.00
Cllr Haddow, Reimbursement for yellow rattle seed for Cemetery £50.00
Giving Full Access Users the ability to share data from accountancy software providers with Lloyds Bank
To consider responding to Lloyds that BPC will opt out.
Grant Requests to made to the Parish Council
Sustainable Blackawton, Riverfly kick test kit, £109
Blackawton Village Hall, Funds to support the Village Hall’s Renovation
To note or consider:
7/1/25 South Hams District Council states its position on local government reform. It does do not support the creation of one unitary council for Devon and wants time to consult the community.
17/1/25 SHDC, Removal of most South Hams bottle banks by March 2025.
22/1/25, From a member of the public, ‘Terrible Road’. Supported to report to their local parish council, DCC Cllr, and to DCC
SHDC, Invitation to nominate for Community Awards. Closes 10/2/25.
Opergy Net Zero, Net Zero Pathways for Parish and Town Councils. 4/2/25
New in Neighbourhood Planning, 6/2/25
Next Meeting
To confirm the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 4 March at 7:30 p.m.
Closure of the Meeting
To consider a resolution, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item(s) because of the commercial-in-confidence nature of the business.
Internal Audit
To confirm 24/25 internal auditor.
Annette Thom
Parish Clerk