The Agenda can be read below or downloaded here: AG_2024_June 17 BPC
To all members of Blackawton Parish Council 11 July 2024
You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Blackawton Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in St. Michael’s Church for the purpose of transacting the following business.
a. Open Forum
BPC invites Questions from Parishioners.
b. Councillors Forum
Cllrs may raise items for attention or for future consideration.
To receive apologies for absence
Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of Members’ interests in Agenda items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
To approve Minutes of the Meetings held 4 June and 17 June 2024.
Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
Report from Devon County Council Councillor
Planning Applications
- SHDC Planning Decisions
To note the decisions as follows:
0924/24/FUL Down Dimes Blackawton TQ9 7DA. Application for provision of agricultural storage building. Conditional Approval
1379/24/CLP North Millcombe Farm Blackawton TQ9 7AE. North Millcombe Farm Blackawton TQ9 7AE. Cert of Lawfulness (Proposed) Certified.
- Review of New Applications
To comment to SHDC on the following applications:
1951/24/FUL Westdown, Blackawton, TQ9 7AL. Proposed Agricultural Building and concreting of yard area.
1941/24/VAR North Millcombe Farm, The Old Dairy, Blackawton, TQ9 7AE. Application for variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning consent 0847/21/FUL.
2082/24/ARC Watsons Farm, Blackawton, TQ9 7AZ. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 5 (Ecology), 6 (External Lighting), 8 (Boundary Treatments) and 12 (Cladding / Rooflights) of planning consent 1709/22/FUL.
Little Pizza Ltd, 5 – 6 Fairfax Place, Dartmouth, TQ6 9AD. New premises licence for: Supply of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, Monday to Sunday 11:30 to 23:00. Opening hours of the premises Monday to Sunday 11:30 to 23:30.
Whitbread Group Plc for New proposed Premier Inn adjacent to Townstall Road, Violet Drive, Little Cotton Farm as per OS SX855 508, Planning reference 0278/24/ARM in Dartmouth. The application is for: Supply of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, Monday to Sunday 10:00 to 00:30., Exhibition of films indoors Monday to Sunday 10:00 to 00:30., Late night refreshment indoors Monday to Sunday 23:00 to 00:30., Opening hours of the premises Monday to Sunday 06:00 to 01:00.
- Consultations
Conversion of Tumbly Hill facility into a Community Wellbeing Hub for Kingsbridge and surrounding areas – Request to complete survey and write letter of support.
Responsibility for the Maintenance of the closed St Michael’s Churchyard
To consider whether to decide to write to the Parochial Church Council for St Michael’s, Blackawton to confirm that despite the wording of the 1977 letter BPC will treat it as a request for BPC to take over the maintenance responsibility for the churchyard from that date.
If BPC resolves to take on the maintenance responsibility, to start plan for carrying out maintenance.
Review of Blackawton Cemetery Fees & Eligibility for Burial
To consider the Report.
Cemetery Wall Maintenance
To confirm the arrangements for the work.
Maintenance Contractor Role
To consider proposal to arrange for Dartmouth Town Council to clean the Blackawton bus shelters if possible.
Offer of Greenslades Footpath Land to the Parish Council
To consider the offer and BPC’s response.
Detritus and Weeds at edges of roads in the Village
To consider the comment and any further action by BPC.
Update on Current Financial Position
To receive Reports and Bank Reconciliation.
Payments & Receipts
To authorise the following payments
Clerk June & July Expenses Reimbursement, £48.47
Cemetery hedge cutting, £90.00
Internal Audit, £165.00
DALC Good Councillor Short Course, £48.00
Frequent Cemetery Cuts 10/6, 24/6, & 8/7, £324.00
Payments authorised since the last monthly meeting
Maintenance Contractor advertisement, £134.40
Hire of St Michael’s Church’s Narthex April, May, and June 2024, £60.00
Website hosting annual fee, £90.00
To note or consider:
18/6/24 Chair of the South Devon National Landscape Partnership, Offer to meet BPC
24/6/24 Project Manager at Sustainable South Hams, Support for councillors on climate and nature
27/6/24 Invitation fro South Devon National Landscapes to Life on the Edge Launch on 22/7/24 11:30-12:30 at Brixham Laboratory
28/6/24 SHDC Localities Officer, Enquiry re. problem spots or notices needed
South Hams Community Action Membership Invitation, £60
SHDC, South Hams Festival Proposal Town & Parish Council Briefing: 25/7/24 6.00pm
7/7/24 The Safety of Electric-Powered Micromobility Vehicles and Lithium Batteries Bill
9/7/24 Fusion Lifestyle Offer to try Try Seated Exercise Or Nordic Walking (Walking With Poles)
10/7/24 South Hams Community Action, Report on its Loneliness & Social Isolation Survey
10/7/24 Public Notice re Quality of DCC Regional Emergency Response. Public Meeting at Clovelly Parish Hall at 31/07/24, 7:00 pm
11/7/24 Devon Communities Together Report on its Audit of Devon Village Halls
Next Meeting
To confirm the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 3 September at 7:30 p.m.