Agenda 2023 September 05

Aug 31, 2023 | Agendas

The Agenda can be downloaded here or read below: AG_2023_September 05 BPC

To all members of Blackawton Parish Council 31 August 2023

You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Blackawton Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 5 September 2023 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall for the purpose of transacting the following business.

a. Airband Community Liaison Officer

To discuss and show poles being placed, timescales, sales packages, & level of service on arrival.

b. Open Forum – The Chairman invites Questions from Parishioners

  1. Apologies

To receive apologies for absence

  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of Members’ interests in Agenda items

  1. Minutes of Previous Meetings

To approve minutes of the Meetings held 4 July & 2 August 2023.

  1. Report from South Hams District Council Councillor

  2. Report from Devon County Council Councillor

  3. Planning Applications

    1. SHDC Planning Decisions

To note the decisions as follows:

  • 1960/23/AGR Valley View Blackawton TQ9 7DH. Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed general purpose agricultural building measuring 18.2 mtrs (length) x 13.7 mtrs (breadth) x 6.41 mtrs (height to ridge). Ag Determination details required

  • 1181/23/HHO & 1182/23/LBC Clyston Barton Blackawton TQ9 7AB.Householder application & Listed building consent for proposed alterations to include new artist’s studio, replacement veranda and energy efficiency measures including solar panels to garage roof and rear garden, air source heat pump and replacement windows. Conditional Approval.

  • 1677/23/HHO 3 Greenslade Road Blackawton TQ9 7BP. Householder application for external landscaping works including extended balcony area, new balcony balustrading & ramped access from rear elevation. Conditional Approval.

  • 2229/23/PAA Valley View Blackawton TQ9 7DH. Prior Approval Application for proposed general purpose agricultural building following planning application 1960/23/AGR. Prior Approval Given

  • 1998/23/HHO Oakleigh Cottage Main Street Blackawton TQ9 7BG. Householder application for demolition of an existing outbuilding & construct a new outbuilding with ancillary accommodation along with landscaping to the garden. Conditional Approval.

  • 1789/23/HHO Woodcott Blackawton TQ9 7AA. Householder application for demolition of lean-to, erection of kitchen, dinning room & living extension. Refusal.

  • 2373/23/ARC Balsam Farm Vicarage Road Blackawton TQ9 7AY. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 5 (Window Frames including Roof Lights), 6 (Site Levels & Site Boundary Treatments) & 14 (Solar Panels) of planning consent 3855/22/FUL. Discharge of Conditions – Split Decision.

    1. Review of New Applications

To comment to SHDC on the following applications:

  • 2714/23/FUL Balsam Farm Vicarage Road Blackawton TQ9 7AY. Application to convert an outbuilding to ancillary living accommodation, revised proposal to application 3855/22/FUL to replace obscured glazed windows proposed to South elevation with timber boarded windows & reduce level of excavation at rear to form access to the garden.

  • 2729/23/FUL Blackawton Village Hall Vicarage Road Blackawton TQ9 7AY. Replacement roof.

  1. Tree Applications
  • 2778/23/TPO Wadstray House Blackawton TQ9 7DE. T1: Ash – fell due to evidence of dieback – due to proximity to house

  1. Consultations
  • Devon Housing Commission, Short Survey

  • A379 Slapton Line Economic Impact Assessment by SHDC
    To consider requesting the inclusion of Blackawton.

  • Housing Needs Survey by SHDC in September 2023

To note the Survey including Community Drop-in sessions 28 September, Blackawton Church 1.00pm – 3.00pm & East Allington Village Hall 3.30pm – 5.30 pm

  1. Avenue of Cherry Trees in the Churchyard Management Consultation

To noted collated options suggested and to agree how to consult the community.

  1. Registration of The George Inn as an Asset of Community Value

To plan the community consultation for evidence of support that the asset could continue to be run to further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community.

  1. 20’s Plenty” Campaign

To receive a report and agree any further actions.

  1. Blackawton’ Sign

To consider whether, and if yes where, to install the historical metal sign (70mm*330 mm).

  1. Yew Tree in the Churchyard

To consider information on the health of the tree & agree what action to take.

  1. Order of Use, Marking and Layout of Lawn Cemetery Graves

To agree the plan of action.

  1. Cemetery Temporary Soil Storage Area Marker Posts

To agree to ask the Maintenance Contractor to install the posts.

  1. Repair of the Churchyard Gates

To agree a project to repair and maintain the four churchyard gates.

  1. Cemetery Charges Review

To consider a project to review the schedule of charges.

  1. Finance

    1. Update on Current Financial Position

To receive the Reports.

    1. Payments & Receipts

To authorise the following payments

  • ARCCAS Churchyard frequent cuts 11/8 & 22/8 Frequent £96.00 each

  • ARCCAS Cemetery frequent cuts 11/8 & 22/8 Frequent £108.00 each

  • Clerk Expenses Reimbursement July & August, £80.09

To note receipts:

  • Resident, Additional memorial inscription, £40.00

To note payments since the last meeting

  • DALC Being a Good Councillor #4 & Chairing Local Council Meetings, £54.00

  • Devon Association of Local Councils BAGC #2 £18.00

  • ARCCAS, Frequent St Michaels Churchyard 13/6/23 & 27/6/23, £96.00 each

  • ARCCAS, Frequent Cemetery 13/6/23 & 27/6/23, £108.00 each

  • ARCCAS, Frequent St Michaels Churchyard 11/7/23 & 25/7/23, £96.00 each

  • ARCCAS, Frequent Cemetery 11/7/23 & 25/7/23, £108.00 each

  • Parish Lengthsman April £287.50

  • Parish Lengthsman January to March 319.00

  1. Reporting Salary Payments

To note advice via DALC that the payments do not have to be reported in the Minutes.

  1. Correspondence

To note or consider.

  • AONB Farming in Protected Landscapes grant scheme. Extended until March 2025.

  • Regen, Community Energy Training: Planning for onshore wind and other renewables, 19/10/23 10:00 – 12:30

  • 31/8/23, Introductory email from new Stakeholder Liaison Team, DCC Highways

  • South Devon and Dartmoor Community Safety Partnership, Let’s Talk Teenagers and Let’s Talk Pre-Teens, Support sessions for parents in September & October

  • 9/8/23, Stagecoach Bus service changes from Sunday 3 September 2023

  • Scribefest, 21/09/23, (Online), Free

  • DALC AGM Conference and Exhibition, 27/09/23, Exeter Race Course. £45/attendee

  1. Next Meeting

To confirm the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 3 October 2023 at 7:30 p.m.

  1. Closure of the Meeting

To consider a resolution, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item(s) because of the employment nature of the business.

  1. Annual Leave

To approve the request to book annual leave.


Annette Thom

Parish Clerk