Draft Minutes 2024 November 02

Nov 26, 2024 | Minutes

The Minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2024 November 05 BPC Draft Minutes

Blackawton Parish Council
Established 1894
DRAFT Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council
held on Tuesday 5 November 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall
Present: DCC Cllr Brazil, Parish & South Hams District Cllr Rake (Chair), Parish Cllrs
Haddow, Mardon, Oughton (Vice-Chair) and Thomas were present. There were two
members of the public present.
Absent: Parish Cllrs Coe and Luckens, Clerk A Thom.
a. Open Forum
Parishioners questioned the lack of progress regarding completion and handover of the
French Furze Business Units and communal facilities (MUGA, childrens play area, car
park and footpath and open space at the lower part of the site). Cllr Rake stated that the
developer had long since missed the trigger points relating to the S.106 funded facilities
and that all efforts made by BPC to expedite the situation had resulted in little progress. He
also explained that progress on the MUGA and the footpath/open space is constrained by
outstanding drainage issues on the site. On a more positive note, Cllr Rake stated that a
SHDC has scheduled an internal meeting for 6th November where all Officers involved will
seek to resolve the situation. Cllr Rake undertook to inform residents of progress and Cllr
Oughton undertook to provide updates for the French Furze social media group. The
members of the public left the meeting.
b. Councillors Forum
Cllr Thomas queried the status of BPC’s application to establish the George Inn as an
Asset of Community Value (ACV). Cllr Rake informed the meeting that the registration had
been successfully completed “a couple of months ago”.
1. Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Parish Cllrs Coe and Luckens, Clerk A Thom.
2. Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Mardon and Oughton declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in Item 8.
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 October 2024.
4. Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
Cllr Rake stated that the 2023-24 SHDC accounts had been successfully audited but are
yet to be signed off. He also highlighted that he had met with members of the SHDC
Planning Enforcement team to discuss cases in Blackawton and confirmed that the S106
agreement relating to the Greenslade development contains no provision for a footpath
5. Report from Devon County Council Councillor
Cllr Brazil stated that Devon and Torbay’s proposal to create a Combined County Authority
has been given the green light by the new Government and he anticipated that further
devolution could follow. He also reminded the meeting that from 1 April 2025, properties
deemed second homes will be charged a 100% premium, twice the standard rate. He also
outlined plans for two tier SHDC car park charges.
6. Update on South Hams Festival
Discussion on this item was deferred to a future meeting.
Blackawton Parish Council
Established 1894
7. New footpath from Greenslade Road
There was nothing to add to Cllr Rake’s earlier comment on this subject.
8. French Furze
There was nothing to add following the Open Forum discussion.
9. Memorial Safety Testing
It was agreed that Cllrs Oughton, Rake and Thomas would undertake this at 8.00 a.m. on
Wednesday 13th November.
10. Grounds Maintenance
10.1 After discussion, it was agreed that the 2024 cutting regime is now complete.
10.2 Arrangements for the cutting of the cemetery hedge in January/February 2025. This
item was deferred to a future meeting.
10.3 It was agreed to re-advertise the Grounds Maintenance Contract on the basis of the
current specification subject to following:
• Churchyard (subject to resolution of item 11 below). Periodic cutting along edges of
paths only. Cutting width to be a little wider than at present. Remainder of
Churchyard to be maintained through community “rake off”s.
• Term: two year contract, plus one year optional extension.
• Letting process: Advertising process not discussed. Interviews as required.
11. Legal Responsibility for the Churchyard
Awaiting response from SHDC.
12. Planning
• 3281/24/CLE: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of site as domestic garden;
Land At Sx 785 511, Blackawton. Cllr Haddow offered information in support of
existing use as domestic garden. Cllr Rake/Clerk will respond to SHDC in support of
the application.
• 1345/24/HHO: Householder application for extensions & alterations, including two
storey & single storey extensions to side & rear of dwelling; Hutcherleigh House,
Lower Hutcherleigh, Blackawton TQ9 7AD. It was resolved to support this
application. Cllr Rake/Clerk will respond to SHDC accordingly.
13. Finance
13.1 Financial Report
The financial report was reviewed and noted. Cllr Rake stated that a more general
financial review would be undertaken when resources permit.
13.2 Changes to Banking Arrangements
The following Lloyds banking changes were discussed and noted:
• The Bank’s decision to change the Treasurer’s Account to a ‘Community Account’.
• The introduction of a £0.50 fee for payments by cheque.
• The cost of making cash deposits.
• The introduction of a monthly ‘account maintenance’ fee of £4.25.
It was resolved that cheque payments should attract an additional charge by BPC of £5.00
to cover the new Lloyds fee and the additional administrative burden.
13.3 Payments and Receipts
It was resolved to authorise the following payments:
• Clerk’s expenses reimbursement claim, October 2024 £32.99
• Gardentime invoice LPGE32 (against ‘Blackawton in Bloom’ grant) £16.98
Blackawton Parish Council
Established 1894
Payments since the previous meeting of the following invoices were noted:
• Cemetery frequent cuts 3, 16, and 30 September £324.00
• Churchyard frequent cuts 3, 16, and 30 September £306.00
• Churchyard August catch up cut of frequent areas August 14 £210.00
• Clerk expenses reimbursement August & September for Internet Security £107.59
• Annual Support Agreement for Blackawton defibrillator £198.00
13.4 Budget 2025-2026
Items and projects to be included in the preparation of the budget for 2025-2026 were
discussed. Cllr Rake stated BPC could expect a small increase in income from double
Council Tax on second homes. Potential items/projects put forward for inclusion in the
budget for 2025-2026 were:
• Greenslade footpath bridge
• 20’s Plenty
• Phone box restoration
• Community composting
• Village Hall (any eligible specific projects)
14. Community Composting
Item deferred until next meeting as Cllr Coe not present.
15. Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 3
December 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall. Cllr Rake gave apologies for absence in
advance for the 8 January 2025 meeting.
16. Closure of the Meeting
In accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, it was resolved to
exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item because the
business relates to consideration of employment and personnel matters.
17. Clerk’s Leave request
It was resolved to agree to the Clerk’s request to take leave against the annual leave
The meeting closed at 9.24 p.m.