The Minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2024_February BPC APPROVED Minutes
APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council held on
Tuesday 13 February 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in St Michael’s Church
a. Open Forum
There were no Questions from Parishioners.
b. Parish Lengthsman
The Parish Lengthsman made a verbal report. They said two hours remain in BPC’s budget and no DCC grant hours have been used.
c. Councillors Forum
Matters raised included: how to reduce dog fouling, enabling SHDC’s release of S106 funds for the works to the Village Hall, French Furze’s water isn’t draining into the pond, construction of the S.106 footpath from Greenslades Road through behind the village, works to the South West Water water treatment plant, and preventive works required to the footpath near Barnsdale to prevent the large quantity of material washed to the bridge.
Present: Parish & South Hams District Cllr Rake (Chair), Parish Cllrs Oughton (Vice-Chair), Coe, Hadow, and Thomas were present, as was Devon County Cllr Brazil (for his report), and A Thom (Clerk). There were no members of the public.
Report from Devon County Council Councillor
DCC Cllr Brazil reported that it is expected the 24/25 budget will have an increase of 4.99% with a 2.99% increase in Adult Social Care (earmarked). Extra funds have been received from central government and used to stop cuts related to homelessness. The year after next, Cllr Brazil hopes that the extra income from the increased council tax on second homes will be used for housing. It is not a requirement, but has been proposed, for example housing for key workers. The proposed Devolution would create a new combined authority made up of the former DCC and Torbay Councils. 16 million pounds would be received from central government however proposals to spend those funds require central government approval. The Devolution consultation began yesterday.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mardon and Luckens.
Declarations of Interest
Cllr Rake declared an interest in the 3967/23/FUL Woodford Farm planning application item.
Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
SHDC Cllr Rake reported that SHDC will meet on Thursday to address the 24/25 Budget, Council Plan, and Council Delivery Plan. The proposed Budget includes the maximum permitted increase in council tax. SHDC has a balanced budget and reasonably healthy reserves. There is an annual budget of 0.5 million pounds for climate change and biodiversity. The proposed devolution of DCC and Torbay Councils would not change SHDC’s responsibilities. Cllr Rake will follow up the release of Village Hall S106 funds, French Furze drainage, and continue to follow up the installation of the new S106 footpath.
Planning Applications
- SHDC Planning Decisions
The following decision was noted:
3673/23/FUL The Old Dairy, North Millcombe Farm, Blackawton, Totnes, TQ9 7AE. Replacement dwelling following Class Q approval, including landscaping& engineering works. Withdrawn.
- Review of New Applications
3937/23/FUL Dartmouth Golf And Country Club, Blackawton, TQ9 7DE. Proposal for a new Golf Pro Shop.
Support (by resolution, Cllr Rake abstained).
The development will have a positive impact on a locally significant business. Its impact on the character of the landscape will be acceptable because of its incorporation in an existing mass of buildings.
0371/24/HHO & 0372/24/LBC Clyston Barton Blackawton TQ9 7AB. Householder application & Listed Building Consent for minor alteration to approved Householder & Listed Building Consents (1181/23/HHO & 1182/23/LBC) for revised replacement Veranda design.
Support (by resolution, Cllr Rake abstained).
0399/24/CLP Greenacres Farm Blackawton TQ9 7BL. Certificate of lawfulness for proposed single storey side extension. For information.
The application was noted.
3967/23/FUL Woodford Farm, Blackawton, TQ9 7AA. Permission to replace dwelling permitted by application 1284/22/FUL with a revised design & landscape provisions.
Cllr Rake left the meeting.
Support (by resolution). BPC and SHDC supported the previous applications and we can see no significant difference to change that view.
Cllr Rake returned to the meeting
- Other applications
4052/23/HHO Woodcott, Blackawton, TQ9 7AA. Householder Application for alterations and extension.
No meeting called to comment.
- Buckingham Palace Royal Garden Party Nominations
It was resolved to nominate Alan Mallyon in recognition of his long-standing and excellent service to the Parish Council.
- Invitation from East Allington Parish Council to join Councillor Training on 15 February 2024
No Cllrs nominated to attend this training.
- Parish Lengthsman Report
The Report was noted. The works to fund a local Parish Lengthsman are going very well. It was agreed to stop work while the remaining available hours are allocated and to have a system to stop at the end of each month pending the monthly reports. There are currently no Parish Lengthsman hours for extra work to support individual residences.
- Blackawton Cemetery
The Clerk confirmed that it is good practice for BPC to top up sunken graves as part of the routine maintenance. It was agreed to ask the gravedigger to top-dress graves.
- Consultations
South Hams Community Action, Isolation Survey
The survey is available. No response made by BPC.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held 9 January 2024.
Update on Current Financial Position
The Reports and Bank Reconciliation were received. They showed a total balance of £56,473.33 and an unearmarked general fund of £13,624.91.
Payments & Receipts
It was resolved to authorise the following payments:
Narthex hire, 16 January and 13 February, £40.00
Clerk expenses reimbursement January, £30.93
The following receipts were noted:
Resident’s burial in lawn cemetery, £125.00
Former Resident’s Interment of ashes, £110.00
Annual Risk Management Review
It was noted that the review of the Risk Register and statement of Internal Control are taking place and the current documents have been shared with Cllrs.
Grant applications
West Dart Bus (Ivybridge CDTA), £200.00
It was resolved to approve this grant request.
Replacement Union Flag, £94.93
Consideration of this request was deferred.
Sustainable Blackawton
Cllrs Coe and Hadow left the room. It was resolved to approve the request for a grant of £99.95 for River Fly water testing kit. Cllrs Coe and Hadow returned to the room.
The following correspondence was noted:
Visitor, War memorial lettering requires maintenance
5/2/24, BPC’s insurer was notified that the PCC has not responded to correspondence regarding its legal responsibility for churchyard maintenance
D-Day 80 Commemoration on 6 June 2024,
Sustainable South Hams, 30/1/24, Composting Pilots opportunity
SHDC, 31/1/24, Advance notice of public consultation on Public Space Protection Orders
Devolution Deal for Devon. Proposals being considered DCC and Torbay Council Cabinets
Dates for the 2024 Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will take place immediately before the ordinary meeting in May. The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 16 April 2024.
Arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting.
The refreshments arrangements and budget will be the same as for 2023. Two external speakers will be invited: to talk about energy generation and to talk about composting.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 5 March 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
Closure of the Meeting
It was resolved, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item(s) because of the commercial-in-confidence nature of the business.
Planning Repairs to the Cemetery Wall
- Quotes for repairs to the wall
No decision was made.
- Quotes for traffic management
It was resolved to agree that one of the contractors was suitable to carry out the works.
- Preferred timing of the repair
Deferred pending choice of wall repair contractor.
War Memorial Lettering Maintenance
It was resolved to accept the proposal to repaint the lettering.
Cemetery Tree-works
The quotes were not on the Agenda due to an error. They were discussed. A quote will be formally accepted by the Clerk and Chair.
The meeting closed at 21:54