The minutes can be downloaded here or read below MN_2021_October BPC Approved Minutes
APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council held on Tuesday 5 October 2021 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall
COVID-19 precautions being taken by the meeting were noted.
Open Forum
No matters raised
Present: Cllrs Rake (Chair), Coe, Curry, and Mallyon were present, as were South Hams District Cllr Reeve, Devon County Cllr Brazil, and A Thom (Clerk).
130/21 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mewes (Vice-Chair), Perry and Thomas.
131/21 Vacancy for a Parish Councillor
Sol Curry was co-opted to fill the vacancy for a Parish Councillor.
The signed Declaration of Acceptance was received and Cllr Curry was welcomed to the Parish Council.
132/21 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Rake declared a Personal Interest in the Blackawton Business Units CIC if relevant.
133/21 Minutes of Previous Meetings
It was resolved to approve minutes of the Meetings held on 6 July 2021, 15 July 2021, and notes of the virtual meeting on 7 September 2021.
134/21 Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
Cllr Reeve reported that the Climate Change and Biodiversity Locality Fund closes March 2022. Cllr Reeve suggested that purchase of a shredder might be a good use of the grant. A proposal is needed to make a grant. Cllr Coe reported on positive progress made with establishing a community compost scheme in Blackawton. Cllr Reeve was asked to enquire about the local carbon fee and dividend system. Cllr Reeve agreed that footpath access from French Furze to the rest of the village needs to be completed urgently. Please contact Cllr Reeve for help with your waste and recycling collection. Cllr Reeve reported that SHDC is progressing carefully to resolve the waste and recycling system issues.
135/21 Report from Devon County Council Councillor
Deferred pending the arrival of Cllr Brazil
136/21 Planning Issues
136/21.1 SHDC Planning Approvals/Refusals
The following decisions were noted:
- 2918/21/TCA St Michael’s Church Church Hill Blackawton Devon TQ9 7BQ. G1: Cherry x 10 – Deadwood removal (exempt). Tree Works No Objection Raised.
- 3360/21/AGR Land at SX 787 493 Blackawton Totnes TQ9 7AE. Application for prior notification of proposed agricultural storage building. Ag Determination details not required.
136/21.2 Review of New Applications
- 3328/21/LBC 1 Churchgate House Church Hill Blackawton TQ9 7BQ. Listed building consent for replacement of roof slates and painting chimney (part retrospective).
Support (resolution proposed Cllr Mallyon, seconded Cllr Coe).
- 3574/20/FUL Halwell Business Park Halwell TQ9 7LQ. READVERTISEMENT (Revised plans and supporting documents received) Provision of new industrial warehouse building (Class E (former B1 only), B2 and B8 use).
No comment.
- 3110/21/FUL Greenswood Barn Ash TQ6 0LR. Erection of lean-to and installation of solar panels. Neighbouring Parish consultee.
No comment.
- 3199/21/CLE Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of land and outbuilding for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse. East Down Barn Blackawton TQ9 7AW.
Factual evidence is required to either support or refute the claim that the land/building has been used for the purpose described in excess of the last ten years. No response by BPC.
137/21 Consultations
- Gambling Act 2005 – Consultation on draft Gambling Statement of Principles closes 24th October 2021.
No comment.
138/21 SHDC Draft Memorandum of Understanding regarding the consideration of Planning Applications
BPC will respond saying there is a need for the inclusion of monitoring and enforcement by SHDC. Cllr Rake will write and copy BPC.
139/21 SHDC Code of Conduct
It was resolved to adopt the new Code.
140/21 French Furze Project
South Hams Cllr Reeve has a arranged a site meeting to take place on Thursday. The importance of footpath access to the centre of the village will be reinforced.
141/21 Treeworks
BPC noted that the work carried out on 10 September is yet been completed. The Clerk was asked to make arrangements to remove deadwood from cherry trees in the Churchyard as soon as possible.
142/21 Report from Devon County Council Councillor
Cllr Brazil reported that the full meeting of DCC on Thursday will consider a motion calling for a whole of Devon residential speed limit in all villages of 20 mph. There is a new head of Children’s Services. Cllr Brazil is on the Children’s Scrutiny Committee and is looking forward to working with them. Cllr Brazil is now on the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service.
Cllr Brazil reported that the flooding near Cousins Cross caused a property to flood. Langwell Court, Fig Tree, and French Furze were all affected. DCC has a budget for households to mitigate flooding. DCC is the authority responsible for dealing with flooding. Please send information about the recent flooding in Blackawton to Cllr Brazil and he will follow up.
143/21 Repair of Churchyard Wall
It was resolved to accept the quote for repair of the bulge in the wall inside Cousins Cross steps (£236).
144/21 Cemetery Management
The Clerk is working on a project to ensure Right of Burial records are current, creation of electronic records, and a list of approved masons. This is being done progressively as time permits. It was resolved to approve proposed alterations of BPC’s Cemetery Regulations.
145/21 Annual Parish Meeting
It was agreed to aim to arrange a Meeting to take place at 7 pm on 9 December 2021.
146/21 Finance
146/21.1 Update on Current Financial Position
The Report which showed a total balance of £63,744, unearmarked reserves of £19,326.27, and reconciled, was noted.
146/21.2 Payments Due and Received
The meeting approved the following payments:
- TJD Construction, School wall repair section of cock & hen, £428.66
- Clerk, Expenses Reimbursement CE25, £58.58
- Grounds Maintenance, Churchyard 2/9 and 16/9, £84.00
- Grounds Maintenance, Cemetery 2/9, 16/9, & 30/9, £306.00
Payment to Dartmoor Tree Surgeons, Monterey Cyprus and Box works and Removal of two cherries, £1,062.00 was deferred, to be paid following processing and removal of cut material as specified in the quote.
BPC Councillors will meet with the grounds maintenance contractor to discuss specifications for the works in the Churchyard. Removal of the first cut of the biodiversity area was noted as necessary to promote wildflowers.
Funds Received
The following receipt was noted: SHDC, Precept second instalment, £8,250.00
Payment made since the last meeting of BPC:
The following payment was noted: Return to SHDC of a £500 grant paid to BPC in error.
146/21.3 Grant Application
The application received from the Blackawton Playing Fields Committee for a grant from BPC of £1,440 for removal of Ash trees was approved.
146/21.4 VAT Registration
The SLCC advice on VAT registration requirements was noted. BPC is not registering for VAT.
147/21 Coleridge Meeting
It was confirmed that the proposed agenda item regarding the Local Planning Authority’s approach to monitoring and enforcement of compliance with conditions attached to planning permissions was supported and noted that it does not appear to extend to larger developments.
148/21 Environment Policy Action Plan
It was agreed to adopt the review conducted by Cllrs Coe & Mewes.
149/21 Hedgehogs Warning Road Sign
BPC’s response as discussed 7 September 2021 was ratified.
150/21 Correspondence
The following correspondence was noted:
- 29/9/21, Re Safety and an access path between French Furze and the rest of the village.
151/21 Reports from Parish Councillors and Wardens
Cllr Coe has been approached about the installation of a seat in the community meadow.
The consideration of declaration of a climate emergency will be on the 2 November agenda.
The meeting supported a subscription to the Parish Online mapping software.
152/21 Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7:30 p.m.
It is currently planned to meet in the Village Hall and that rapid COVID-19 tests will be done by attendees.