The Agenda can be read below or downloaded here: AG_2024_June 17 BPC
To all members of Blackawton Parish Council 13 June 2024
You are hereby summoned to attend an extraordinary meeting of Blackawton Parish Council to be held on Monday 17 June 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in St. Michael’s Church for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Suspension of Standing Orders
To consider suspending BPC Standing Order 3 b to permit the inclusion of a Sunday in the three clear days notice for this meeting.
To receive apologies for absence.
Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of Members’ interests in Agenda items.
Request for a former resident with a very strong local Blackawton connection to be buried in the Blackawton Cemetery
To consider the request
Planning Applications
- Review of Current Applications
To comment to South Hams District Council on the following applications:
1714/24/FUL & 1715/24/LBC Larcombe Farm, East Allington, TQ9 7QB. Householder & Listed Building Consent for conversion of first floor of existing traditional stone Linhay into single-storey two-bed holiday accommodation, with associated external works & landscaping, alterations & improvements to existing ground floor storage rooms. 11 July
0278/24/ARM Land at SX 855 508 Violet Drive Dartmouth. READVERTISEMENT (Amended red line, elevational changes to building, revised boundary treatment details, additional landscaping details, updated tree protection plan, additional plans of bin store, cycle store and access ramp, directional highway signage within the site, revised lighting details with replacement of some lighting columns with bollards, and further transport note to address comments on highway access arrangements) Application for approval of reserved matters (layout, appearance, scale and landscaping) following outline approval 0479/21/VAR for Erection of a 3-storey, 105-bedroom hotel with ancillary restaurant and all associated works.
The above application is being presented to the Development Management Committee on 20 June 2024.
Cllr S Rake, BPC Chair