Agenda 2024 December 03

Nov 29, 2024 | Agendas

The Agenda can be read below or downloaded here:

Blackawton Parish Council
Established 1894
To all members of Blackawton Parish Council 27 November 2024
You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Blackawton Parish Council to be
held on Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall for the purpose of
transacting the following business.
a. Open Forum
The Chair invites Questions from Parishioners.
b. Councillors Forum
Cllrs may raise items for future consideration.
1. Apologies
To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of Members’ interests in Agenda items.
3. Minutes of Previous Meetings
To approve Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 November 2024.
4. Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
5. Report from Devon County Council Councillor
6. Update on South Hams Festival
To receive an update on the South Hams Festival
7. Memorial Safety Inspection
To confirm arrangements for the next safety inspection.
8. Tree Risk Assessment Survey
To agree the timing of the next survey.
9. Cemetery Fees
To consider the proposed schedule of fees.
10.Cemetery Hedge Cutting
To confirm arrangements for the cutting of the cemetery hedge in January/February
11. Legal Responsibility for the Maintenance of the Closed Churchyard
To receive an update Report
12. Grounds Maintenance Contract Term and Specifications
To confirm.
13. Community composting
To note the approval of the planning application to Devon County Council for the
Community Composting site and consider next steps.
14. Consultation – Remote Meetings
To consider a response to the current government consultation on remote meetings and
proxy voting.
Blackawton Parish Council
Established 1894
15. New footpath from Greenslade Road
To consider possible solutions for crossing place
16. Finance
16.1 Financial Report
To consider the financial reports.
16.2 Payments and receipts
To authorise the following payments
Blackawton memorial wreath £20.00
Parish Lengthsman May 2024 £149.50
To note the following payments authorised since the last monthly meeting
Cemetery frequent cut 14 October £108.00
Churchyard frequent cut 14 October £102.00
Parish On-line Subscription annual fee £58.80
Clerk’s expenses claim (November) £34.96
To approve expenditure authorised by Chair and Clerk since the last monthly meeting
but not yet invoiced
Basic check of Parish website against the new accessibility standard, contrast
levels, & colour-blindness simulator £80.00
16.3 Draft 25/26 Budget
To discuss the draft.
16.4 Local Government Pay Award 2024/25
To note the new Award and that it has been implemented
16.5 Appointment of Second RFO
To appoint Cllr Luckens to the role of second RFO (unpaid).
17. Personnel Committee & Subcommittee
To agree terms of reference and appointment of Councillors
18. Closure of the Meeting
To consider a resolution, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to
Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following
item(s) because the business relates to consideration of an employment matter.
19. Employment Matter
To receive an update and amend dates of approved leave.
Rob Luckens
Councillor & Acting Proper O􀆯icer