Item 3 Co-option to fill a vacancy for a councillor
BPC has received one application which is great news! It was received after the closing date.
The council must as soon as practicable fill the vacancy by co-option.
Devon Association of Local Councils has advised: There are no specific rules about co-option processes, it’s for each council to determine. To accept an application after the closing date would be at BPC’s discretion.
Item 12. Remote and Hybrid Meetings Petition
Proposal – the following motion and writing to the Secretary of State to show support:
‘This Council supports the petition launched by ADSO and LLG on 5 January with regard to remote and hybrid meetings. We agree to write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities calling on the Government to change the law to allow councils the flexibility to hold such meetings when they deem appropriate within agreed rules and procedures.’
item 15 Phone Box – In May 202 – Minute reference 90/20 Blackawton Phone Box Refurbishment Project
It was resolved to allocate £300 ex VAT for the project, as detailed in the proposal and with the addition of a sum to allow for protective equipment in case there is lead in the paint being removed.
Item 17 Fossil Fuels
2022 02 25 Divesting Fossil Fuel Investments