The Agenda can be read below or downloaded here: AG_2024_November BPC
Blackawton Parish Council
Established 1894
To allmembers of Blackawton Parish Council 31 October 2024
You are hereby summoned to attend themonthlymeeting of Blackawton Parish Council to be
held on Tuesday 5 November 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall for the purpose of
transacting the following business.
a. Open Forum
The Chair invites Questions from Parishioners.
b. Councillors Forum
Cllrsmay raise items for attention or for future consideration.
1. Apologies
To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of Members’ interests in Agenda items.
3.Minutes of Previous Meetings
To approve Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 October 2024.
4. Report fromSouth Hams District Council Councillor
5. Report fromDevon County Council Councillor
6. Update on South Hams Festival
To receive an update on the South Hams Festival
7. New footpath from Greenslade Road
To receive an update on the new footpath from Greenslade Road
8. French Furze
To receive an update on the provision of various facilities at the French Furze
9.Memorial safety testing
Tomake arrangements for the safety testing ofmemorials in the Churchyard and
Blackawton Parish Council – Agenda 5 November 2024 Page 2
10. Groundsmaintenance
10.1 To consider whether the 2024 cutting regime is now complete.
10.2 To consider arrangements for the cutting of the cemetery hedge in
January/February 2025
10.3 To consider arrangements for the periodical readvertisement of the Grounds
Maintenance Contract, including its specification, term and the letting process
11. Legal responsibility for the Churchyard
To receive an update on progress in discussions with South Hams District Council on
the possible transfer to them of the responsibility for the Churchyard
12. Planning
To consider the following applications:
3281/24/CLE: Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of site as domestic
garden; Land At Sx 785 511, Blackawton
1345/24/HHO: Householder application for extensions & alterations, including
two storey & single storey extensions to side & rear of dwelling; Hutcherleigh
House, Lower Hutcherleigh, Blackawton TQ9 7AD
13. Finance
13.1 Financial report
To consider the financial report
13.2 Changes to banking arrangements
To note and consider Lloyds Bank’s decision to change the Treasurer’s Account
to a ‘Community Account’ and particular the following changes:
The introduction of a £0.50 fee for payments by cheque. To consider if
cheque payments should attract an additional charge by BPC of £5.00 to cover
this charge and the additional administrative burden.
The cost of making cash deposits
The introduction of amonthly ‘accountmaintenance’ fee of £4.25
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13.3 Payments and receipts
To authorise the following payments:
Clerk’s expenses claim, October 2024 £32.99
Gardentime invoice LPGE32 £16.98
(against ‘Blackawton in Bloom’ grant)
To note the payment since the previousmeeting of the following invoices under
delegated powers:
Cemetery frequent cuts 3, 16, and 30 September £324.00
Churchyard frequent cuts 3, 16, and 30 September £306.00
Churchyard August catch up cut of frequent areas August 14 £210.00
Clerk Expenses Reimbursement August & September for
ESET Internet Security £107.59
Annual Support Agreement for Blackawton defibrillator £198.00
SCTM Inv 5167 (Traicmanagement) £1,236.00
13.4 Budget 2025-2026
To consider items and projects to be included in the preparation of the budget for
14. Community composting
To note the approval of the planning application to Devon County Council for the
Community Composting site and consider next steps
15. Next Meeting
To confirmthat the nextmeeting of the Parish Council will be held in Blackawton Village
Hall on Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 7:30pm
16. Closure of the Meeting
To consider a resolution, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to
Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following
item(s) because the business relates to consideration of employment and personnel
17. Clerk’s Leave request
To consider the Clerk’s request to take leave against the annual leave allowance
Simon Rake