Blackawton Church Fête – Saturday 13th July, 2.30pm – Figtree, Vicarage Road

Jul 11, 2024 | Events Post

Poster for Blackawton Church Fete 2024

There will be games for all ages, a raffle and stalls: cakes, plants, bric-a-brac, books. Contributions for the raffle and stalls will be gratefully received on the morning of the fête.

Please come and bring your family and friends.

When: Saturday 13th July, 2.30pm

Where: Figtree, Vicarage Road (or in the church if wet)

Enquiries: Kate Janman 01803 712362

Do you have any spare plants, perenials you have divided or seedlings you have grown?
Please bring them along on Saturday morning or telephone Jane Gimpel if you need them collected. Plants of all shapes, colours and varieties will be gratefully received. Many thanks. 
Jane Gimpel: 01803 712850