We are clearly a hardy bunch in SB as no-one has said they are not coming; but the government has changed its guidance fundamentally and we are being urged not to meet, so I have called off the March meeting.
Nonetheless may I invite you to consider the agenda and send me any other topics. I will circulate a final agenda on or before the 30th and invite everyone to comment as though we were sat together. Please set aside some time to do this on the 30th. Then I will share the views in an extended set of minutes.
So far as a draft agenda I have:
- Sustainable Blackawton and Corona virus; how can we help the community and PC.
- The Avon Valley Project; feedback from Sue.
- Energy Local; how we follow up and progress the scheme. http://www.energylocal.co.uk
- Future planting and maintenance activities with the school Gardening Club joining SB volunteers. The first three dates are 29th April, 27th May and 24th June at 3:30.
- Review of any whips/saplings left over from recent planting and where to put them.
- Up-date on car sharing project.
- Up-date on the habitat group mapping project.
Best wishes