Draft Minutes 2024 December 03

Dec 18, 2024 | Minutes

The Minutes can be read below or downloaded here:  MN_2024 November 05 BPC Approved Minutes

DRAFT Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council
held on Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall

Present: Parish & South Hams District Cllr Rake (Chair), Parish Cllrs Coe, Haddow, Luckens, Oughton (Vice-Chair) and Thomas were present. There were no members of the public present.
Absent: DCC Cllr Brazil, Parish Cllr Mardon, and Clerk A Thom.

a. Open Forum
There were no members of the public present and no Open Forum discussion.
b. Councillors Forum
Councillors raised no items for discussion.

1. Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from
DCC Cllr Brazil, Parish Cllr Mardon, and Clerk A Thom.

2. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Coe declared an other registerable interest in
Item 13, as a member of Sustainable Blackawton.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 November 2024.

4. Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
Cllr Rake stated that the South Hams Festival proposed for mid 2025 is likely to be postponed until 2026, to provide more time to improve engagement with, and commitment from, parishes and towns. He also reported that in consultation with South Hams towns the planned revision of car parking charges had not been well received, and that the proposals were now being “watered down”. Following a brief discussion, it was agreed to reinstate “French Furze” as an ongoing BPC agenda item.

5. Report from Devon County Council Councillor
In the absence of DCC Cllr Brazil no report was provided.

6. Update on South Hams Festival

There was nothing to add to Cllr Rake’s earlier report on this subject.

7. Memorial Safety Inspection

It was explained that the planned safety inspection had been postponed as insufficient notice would have been provided to Parishioners. BPC’s Policy states that notices will be placed at all entrances a minimum of three months prior to inspection taking place. Cllr Thomas questioned the rationale for this lengthy time period and expressed a view that the most important time to have notices visible was whilst inspections were actually taking place. It was agreed to review this element of the policy at a future meeting. In the meantime, it was agreed that we need to balance safety and notice, and a process was agreed to produce amended notices (explaining what and why testing is undertaken) and to display these appropriately ahead of testing in the Churchyard and the Cemetery later in December.

8. Tree Risk Assessment Survey

It was agreed that this should be scheduled for spring/summer 2025. Consideration should also be given to including the fruit trees in the Community Field.

9. Cemetery Fees

It was resolved to adopt the three additional recommendations as presented in Cllr Thomas’ Report (proposed revised charges to purchase an exclusive right of burial, to offer double cremation area plots, and to update all cemetery charges on 1 April each year in line with CPI from previous September and rounded to nearest £5). It was again noted that there remains other outstanding cemetery issues highlighted in the Clerk’s earlier report which still need to be addressed – primarily who qualifies to be buried in the cemetery and at what fee level (single or double).

10. Cemetery Hedge Cutting

It was agreed that that the top and road side of the cemetery hedge should be cut in January/February 2025. Prior to that, Cllr Haddow will identify mark a small number (possibly 5-6) trees in the hedge which are not to be cut. She will produce a map showing these trees so that a walkabout can be undertaken with the contractor.

11. Legal responsibility for the Maintenance of the closed Churchyard

SHDC has advised that the matter of whether SHDC would accept responsibility if asked to by BPC is now with its lawyers, that if SHDC ultimately takes on the maintenance this will require a 12 month lead-in, and that BPC should budget and plan accordingly.

12. Grounds Maintenance Contract Term and Specifications

It was resolved to adopt the Clerk’s proposal of an initial one year term with a possible three year extension. Other elements of the specification to remain unchanged.

13. Blackawton Community Composting Site

The approval of the planning application was noted. Cllr Coe stated that the proposal is supported by both the Playing Fields and the Village community groups and that the project will be managed by Sustainable Blackawton. She has already asked one local tradesperson to provide a quote for construction of the composting bays and would welcome further quotes. Interest has been registered in possible grant funding from SHDC, but this cannot proceed further until costs are known.

14. Government Consultation – Remote Council Meetings and Proxy Voting

It was resolved that BPC should express its support for remote meetings and proxy voting as possible means of conducting BPC business. Cllr Rake will discuss how we respond with the Clerk.

15. New Footpath from Greenslade Road
Cllrs who have visited the site stated that a “bridge” over the stream does exist although the water-bearing tunnel beneath may be too small to cope with heavy flows. The more immediate issue is the boggy area on the west side of the stream. BPC should consider possible solutions (possibly grading with aggregate) and funding to improve this area.

16. Finance

16.1 Financial Report
The financial Report was reviewed and noted. The Reserves Report showed total funds of £61,908.45 and an unearmarked general reserve of £21,671.86 at 30 November 2024.

16.2 Payments and receipts

It was resolved to authorise the following payments:

  • Blackawton memorial wreath £20.00

  • Parish Lengthsman May 2024 £149.50

Payments since the previous meeting were noted:

  • Cemetery frequent cut 14 October 2024 £108.00

  • Churchyard frequent cut 14 October 2024 £102.00

  • Parish On-line Subscription annual fee £58.80

  • Clerk’s expenses reimbursement claim (November) £34.96

Expenditure incurred since the last monthly meeting but not yet invoiced was noted:

  • Basic check of Parish website against the new accessibility standard,
    contrast levels, & colour-blindness simulator £80.00

Also noted were the following outstanding payments to be paid before the next meeting:

  • Tindle Newspapers, Advert for Grounds maintenance contract £168.00

  • Cllr Haddow, Reimbursement for purchase of yellow rattle seed £50.00

16.3 Draft 25/26 Budget

Cllr Rake stated that the “stand still” budget shows a £21 thousand pound shortfall of expenditure over income. Some additional income, yet to be quantified, will arise from double Council Tax on second homes and consideration should be given to increasing the precept. In addition to the five projects identified by Councillors at the last meeting for potential inclusion in the budget, the Clerk has added:

  • possible removal of fir tree from the Churchyard

  • possible works to the avenue of cherry trees in the Churchyard

  • possible transfer of the Blackawton community website to a .gov.uk website

  • refurbishment of the Churchyard’s gates

  • the Churchyard’s walls need to be assessed

  • possible improvement to street lighting near the junction of School Lane and Park Lane

Councillors are requested to consider the various options ahead of the next BPC meeting. An additional BPC meeting to finalise the budget was scheduled for 7.30pm on 21 January 2025.

16.4 Local Government Pay Award 2024/25
The new Award and its implementation were noted.

16.5 Appointment of Second RFO
It was resolved to appoint Cllr Luckens to the role of Second RFO (unpaid).

17. Personnel Committee & Subcommittee
It was resolved to establish a Personnel Committee comprising Cllrs Rake, Oughton and Haddow/Mardon (alternating) and to adopt the proposed Terms of Reference for a Personnel Committee and a Personnel Subcommittee with the Village Hall as the nominated meeting place. The initial priority will be to review, in conjunction the Clerk, the Clerk’s workload and hours.

18. Closure of the Meeting
In accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, it was resolved to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item because the business relates to consideration of employment and personnel matters.

19. Employment Matter
Cllr Rake provided an update regarding the Clerk and it was resolved to agree to the Clerk’s request to take leave against the annual leave allowance from 9 December until 13 December (inclusive).

20. Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 7 January 2025 at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall. Cllr Rake has previously given apologies for absence from that meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.10 p.m.