Approved Minutes 2024 April 9

Apr 26, 2024 | Minutes

The Minutes can be read below or downloaded here:  MN_2024_April BPC Approved Minutes

APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council held on
Tuesday 9 April 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in St Michael’s Church

a. Open Forum

i. Dartmouth & District Chamber of Commerce

The two Co-Chairs attended to discuss the new Chamber. The Chamber’s objectives are to represent the interests of businesses and community groups. There is no charge for community groups. They now have 109 members. The Chamber works to improve local economy by encouraging collaboration, promoting, and advocating.

b. Councillors Forum

An issue with screening a development was noted. The Clerk will advertise the vacant Parish Council Maintenance Contract.

Present: Parish & South Hams District Cllr Rake (Chair), Parish Cllrs Oughton (Vice-Chair), Coe, Luckens, Mardon, and Thomas were present, as was DCC Cllr Brazil for his report, and A Thom (Clerk). There were two members of the public present for the Open Forum.

  1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hadow.

  1. Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Rake and Thomas declared Other Registerable Interests as Directors of the Blackawton Business Units CIC for which they have current dispensations to speak and vote.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meetings

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 March 2024 were approved.

  1. Report from Devon County Council Councillor

DCC Cllr Brazil said there is a constructive dialogue taking place regarding the Slapton Line. It is moving forward in discussion with Strete, Stoke Fleming, and Slapton; who are the most affected parishes.

The Stoke Fleming road has reopened.

DCC is working on accessing the Government’s safety valve to manage the increasing SEND [special educational needs and disabilities] budget deficit. It involves receiving funds from Government and DCC also making a contribution. The related conditions have not yet been provided. There is no plan yet to prevent a recurrence of the deficit.

The current plan is for Devolution to be signed off by DCC at the end of April and in place at the end of the year after being sign-off by central Government, but there might be a different Government at the point of the central sign-off.

  1. Report from South Hams District Council Councillor

Cllr Rake reported that SHDC has had two big wins with planning enforcement over the past few weeks. In Hope Cove, two trees which were protected by a TPO [tree protection order] were cut down. They were fined £15,000. The appeal of SHDC’s planning decision relating to a site in Kingsbridge was dismissed, and partial costs awarded to SHDC which is unusual. Considerable resources are used in a court case. Planning enforcement is getting better but is still struggling.

  1. Street Lighting Survey

BPC discussed responses to the community survey about whether BPC should seek to change the arrangements for street lighting in the village. Most responses support some form of reduced lighting. Extra lighting was requested at the Church steps onto School Lane. Some residents said the street lighting causes sleep disturbance. DCC has responded that it will be looking at trialling dimming, it is planning change over to warm light LEDs this year, and that shields can be fitted. The DCC reply regarding the cost of an extra light is pending. The Clerk will find out how affected residents can access shielding and post the survey responses on the community website.

  1. French Furze Development

BPC’s response to residents’ concerns about the delay to completion of the development, including of the Business units and the community land at the School end was considered. The meeting was told that there is hazardous raised ironwork in the footpath near the Business Units. Drop kerbs have recently been installed. The writing of a press release previously agreed has been delayed by illness and was confirmed. The Clerk was asked to try to find out if other Parish Councils have comparable issues and how they are addressing them.

  1. Planning Applications

    1. SHDC Planning Decisions

The following decisions were noted:

  • 0399/24/CLP Greenacres Farm Blackawton TQ9 7BL. Certificate of lawfulness for proposed single storey side extension. Approved.

  • 3937/23/FUL Dartmouth Golf And Country Club, Blackawton, TQ9 7DE. Proposal for a new Golf Pro Shop. Conditional Approval.

  • 4052/23/HHO Woodcott, Blackawton, TQ9 7AA. Householder Application for alterations and extension. Conditional Approval.

  • 0371/24/HHO & 0372/24/LBC Clyston Barton Blackawton TQ9 7AB. Householder application & Listed Building Consent for minor alteration to approved Householder & Listed Building Consents (1181/23/HHO & 1182/23/LBC) for revised replacement Veranda design. Conditional Approval.

    1. Review of New Applications
  • 0697/24/FUL Town Farm School Lane Blackawton TQ9 7BE. Siting of battery storage system and associated works including formation of access track and erection of fencing.

Support (by resolution).

  • 0870/24/ARC North Millcombe Farm, The Old Dairy, Blackawton, TQ9 7AE. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 8 (Drainage Scheme) of planning consent 0847/21/FUL.

No comment by BPC.

  • 0637/24/VAR North Millcombe Farm, The Old DairyBlackawtonTQ9 7AE. Application for Variation of Condition 8 (Drainage Details) of Planning Consent 0847/21/FUL (Replacement Dwelling Following Class Q Consent and Full Consent to Extend Curtilage).

No comment by BPC.

  • 0924/24/FUL Down Dimes Blackawton TQ9 7DA. Application for provision of agricultural storage building.

Support (by resolution).

  1. Consultations
  • SHDC, South Hams District Council Dartmouth Park and Ride. Closes 18 April 2024.

No comment by BPC.

  1. Finance

    1. Update on Current Financial Position

The Report showed a total balance of £52,513.69 and an unearmarked general fund of £12,307.30 on 31 March, and the bank accounts reconciled. The Clerk is waiting on VAT advice prior to preparing the end of year accounts.

    1. Payments & Receipts

It was resolved to authorise the following payments:

  • Clerk, March Expenses reimbursement, £56.10

  • Devon Communities Together, Annual membership fee, £50.00

  • Hire of Narthex, April 2024, £20.00

  • Biannual clean bus shelters, repair of bus shelter seat & noticeboard, £270.00

  • Website Updates, February 2024, £20.00

  • Devon Association of Local Councils Annual Membership Fee, £337.19

The payment authorised since the March meeting was noted:

  • Removal of broken branches hanging cypress in the Cemetery, £480.00

    1. Receipts

The following receipt was noted:

  • Interment, £125.00

  1. Parish Council Cyber Insurance

It was resolved to approve the Report’s recommendations regarding not taking cyber insurance now, managing risk with backups, and asking the view of the 23/24 internal auditor.

  1. Parish Council Insurance Renewal

It was resolved to confirm payment of the 24/25 premium (second year of three year agreement), £501.66.

  1. Grant Requests

    1. Resident/Bell Ringers for a replacement Union Flag

It was resolved to authorise the grant £94.93 to the Bell Ringers if there is an appropriate bank account and to the requesting resident if not.

    1. Citizens Advice South Hams

It was resolved to authorise a grant of £500.00.

  1. Annual Review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

It was resolved to approved the proposed Standing Orders, retaining the maximum meeting time of 3 hours and changing the standard discretionary maximum time per speaker to three minutes. Consideration of the proposed Financial Regulations was deferred to the May meeting.

  1. Blackawton Parish Council Code of Conduct

Cllrs had a discussion about the practical application of the Code and its purpose.

  1. Correspondence

The following correspondence was noted:

  • Notice of election for the Police and Crime Commissioner Election being held on 2 May 2024

  • Community Compost Opportunities-Repurposing Brown Bins 4/5/24 & two day Community Composting 27-28/4/24

  • REACH decarbonisation innovation trial Application submitted

  1. Next Meeting

It was confirmed that the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 14 May 2024 at 7:30 p.m. followed immediately by the May meeting of the Parish Council

Cllr Coe gave apologies for the Annual Parish Meeting on 16 April 2024.

The meeting closed at 21:10