The draft minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2023_June BPC Approved Minutes
APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council held on Tuesday 6 June 2023 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall
Present: Parish & South Hams District Cllr Rake (Chair), Parish Cllrs Ougton(Vice-Chair), Coe, Hadow, Mardon, and Thomas were present, as was Devon County Cllr Brazil (for his report), A Thom (Clerk), and two members of the public for the Open Forum.
Open Forum
a. Reintroduction of Water Voles to the River Gara
Two members of the public provided an update on the project to reintroduce water voles into the river Gara. Water Voles are a keystone species: they have a positive effect on habitat and other wildlife. Water voles will be reintroduced at four sites over four events: the first event will take place this summer. The total cost of the project is £27,000 of which £11,000 has been raised so far. Further donations are welcomed, Details about how to donate will be advertised, including on the Blackawton community website.
All Cllrs attended.
Co-option to fill two vacancies for Blackawton Parish Councillors
It was unanimously resolved to co-opt Sue Hadow to be a Parish Councillor. Cllr Hadow signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. There is one remaining vacancy for a Blackawton Parish Councillor.
Declarations of Interest
It was unanimously resolved to approve the written requests for dispensations to speak and vote for four years received from Cllrs Rake and Thomas regarding their other registerable interest as founding Directors of the Blackawton Business Units CIC.
Cllr Rake declared a personal interest in the Clyston Barton planning application.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
It was unanimously resolved to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 May 2023.
Report from Devon County Council Councillor
DCC Cllr Brazil reported that the Children’s Scrutiny Committee met today. The DCC Chief Executive attended the meeting. The Service is failing vulnerable children. It is hoped that central government will provide funds to meet the deficit in the Special Education Needs budget: currently £130 million and increasing by £30 to £40 million per year.
A scheme is being considered to use stainless steel gabion baskets, filled with local stone and anchored in place, on Slapton Line. The same approach has been used at Beesands, where they have been in place for three to four years. Slapton Line is designated a Sites of Special Scientific Interest and its description needs to be changed to allow use of the gabion baskets. The description of the project needs to be changed to ‘hold the line’ rather than a managed retreat. Money would be required from central government to fund the work.
Cllr Brazil was asked about the ‘20’s Plenty’ 20 miles per hour campaign. He said that Frogmore has used green 20 mph signs.
Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
Councillor Rake reported that the new SHDC Council held its first full council meeting on 25 May. Cllr Brazil is the Leader of the Council. Cllr Rake is Chair of the Licensing Committee, and sitting on the Development Management and the Audit and Governance Committees. 17 of the 31 SHDC councillors are new to SHDC.
Planning Applications
- Review of New Applications
1181/23/HHO & 1182/23/LBC Clyston Barton Blackawton TQ9 7AB. Householder application & Listed building consent for proposed alterations to include new artist’s studio, replacement veranda and energy efficiency measures including solar panels to garage roof and rear garden, air source heat pump and replacement windows.
Cllr Rake left the meeting. It was unanimously resolved to Support. Cllr Rake returned to the meeting.
1449/23/FUL Land At Sx 830 492 Blackawton. Provision of temporary agricultural worker’s dwelling at Cornish Post Farm.
Neighbouring Parish Consultee.
It was unanimously resolved to respond No comment.
- Consultations
- Government consultation, new Infrastructure Levy to reform S106 and CIL system of development contributions. Closes 9 June 2023.
Cllrs may choose to comment on an individual basis.
Use of S106 Funds for works to Village Hall’s Roof
It was resolved to grant Cllrs Oughton and Coe who are members of the Village Hall Management Committee dispensations to speak and vote on this item. It was resolved to grant Cllr Rake who is a SHDC Cllr a dispensation to speak and vote on this item.
It was unanimously resolved to support the Village Hall using for the bulk of the remaining S106 funds from French Furze (approximate balance £48,000) to help to pay for the works to the roof.
Cemetery Safety Testing
Cllrs reported on memorial safety testing done in May. Memorials were laid flat in the Churchyard (three) and in the Cemetery (two). It was noted that Allwood of Totnes will be reinstating the two memorials laid flat in the Cemetery. BPC seeks to contact the owners of the memorials. The names on the three memorials laid flat in the Churchyard will be posted in the Beacon. After the next all areas cut Cllrs will prepare a list of all memorials laid now flat in the Churchyard for circulation. Safety testing will be done again in one year.
The Clerk was asked to arrange for the water collection butt in the Cemetery to be checked and if necessary repaired.
Avenue of Cherry Trees in the Churchyard Management Consultation
It was agreed that the next step regarding the management of the cherry trees is to collate options available, which can then form the basis of a community consultation. Cllr Rake will write an article for the Beacon calling for ideas. The call for options will also be placed in the Shop. This will be an item on the 4 July meeting’s Agenda.
“20’s Plenty” Campaign
This will be an item on the 4 July meeting’s Agenda.
Registration of The George Inn as an Asset of Community Value
It was resolved to grant Cllr Coe a dispensation to speak and vote on this item. It was agreed that Cllr Rake will discuss the possibility of the registration with SHDC officers. This will be an item on the 4 July meeting’s Agenda.
French Furze – Transfer of the ownership of the ‘School Land’
Cllr Rake reported that in his role as SHDC Cllr he has examined the planning approval history and noted some issues. He is meeting with the S106 Officer and a Planning Officer next Tuesday. Vistry is hosting a follow up meeting with DCC, SHDC, and BPC on 26 June. Cllr Rake will follow up the safety issues raised at BPC’s request after the 16 May meeting.
2022/23 Annual Governance and Accountability Return
2022/23 Internal Audit Report
The Report concludes that BPC used proper practices. The Clerk has prepared a list of the Recommendations made in the Report to further support the lowering of risk to the Council, some have been addressed and some require further review.
Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2022/23
It was resolved that BPC meets the criteria for 22/23 and wishes to be an exempt authority, not subject to a limited assurance review, for 22/23.
Signature of the Certificate of Exemption
The Chair signed the Certificate.
22/23 Audit Annual Governance Statement
It was resolved to approve the Statement.
Signature of Audit Annual Governance Statement by the Chair of the meeting
The Chair signed the Statement.
22/23 Audit Accounting Statements
The Accounting Statements were considered.
To resolve to approve the Statements.
It was resolved to approve the Statements.
Signature of the Accounting Statements by the Chair of the Meeting
The Chair signed the Statements.
Update on Current Financial Position
The Reports showed a total balance of £60,243.61 and general fund of £15,713.72 on 31 May.
Payments & Receipts
It was resolve to authorise the following payments:
TJD Construction, Repair to wall St Michael’s Churchyard, £706.20
Grain Designs, Cemetery Soil Waste Area Posts, £180.00
Corserv Limited, Highway Safety Training, £108.00
Local Council Administration Services, Internal Audit 2022/2023, £150.00
Judges Web Design, Updates, £20.00
ARCAAS, Cemetery 16 May & 30 May, £108.00 each visit
ARCAAS, Churchyard 16 May & 30 May, £96.000 each visit
Clerk, May Office Expenses Reimbursement, £19.01
The following payments made since the last meeting were noted:
Clerk, May Salary, £545.94
HMRC, May, £141.00
NEST Pensions, May, £49.36
The following receipt was noted:
Allwood Funeral Service, Exclusive Right of Burial & Interment, £250.00
The following correspondence was noted:
DALC, 22/5/23, Introducing Councillor Development Framework for parish and town councils in Devon.
SHDC Monitoring Officer, 23/5/23, Guidance on Declaring interests at meetings; Use of social media; & Access to information.
SHDC Monitoring Officer, 23/5/23, Preventing bullying and harassment
West Dart Bus, 14&16/5/23, Request to advertise transport to the Music Festival, Missed email & not actioned
Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 4 July 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
Closure of the Meeting
Closure of the meeting to members of the public was not required.
The meeting closed at 21 40.