The Approved minutes can be read below or downloaded here: MN_2023_January 10 BPC Approved Minutes
APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council held on Tuesday 10 January 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall
Open Forum
a. TQ6 Community Partnership
Invited guests representing the TQ6 Community Partnership discussed its community led approach, evolution, and activities and successes. They are willing to support Blackawton Parish Council and Blackawton.
Present: Councillors Thomas (meeting Chair), Coe, Mallyon, and Ougton and were present, as were South Hams District Cllr Reeve, Devon County Cllr Brazil (for his report), and A Thom (Clerk).
Election of Chair
It was unanimously resolved to elect Cllr Thomas to be the Chair of the meeting.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Rake and Mewes.
Declarations of Interest
None declared.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Meeting held on 6 December 2022.
Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
To guarantee garden waste collection from April the deadline to submit a request to SHDC is 22 January. Households can request two bins, both would be paid for. Please give SHDC feedback if you are aware of difficulties with waste collection from your household, to help SHDC to prepare.
Cllr Reeve has been in touch with SHDC’s Officer for the French Furze Business Units and with the Section 106 Officer. A site meeting at the Business Units is to be arranged for the near future. Cllr Reeve is not aware of any progress with the MUGA. Cllr Oughton reported that there is a new School Lane gate, a barrier on the footpath to Main Street, and that the new waste bin has been emptied.
Report from Devon County Council Councillor
Cllr Brazil said he was disappointed to report that a motion to support pedestrian and cyclist transport over cars was not carried.
Children’s Services still needs improvement. A decision might be taken in the next few months to take it off DCC.
Cllr Brazil said that DCC’s budget is perilous and residents should expect that the full 5% increase permitted will be collected in 23/24.
Cllr Brazil has been contacted by a resident regarding multiple potholes on the road between Bow and Millcombe. Cllr Mallyon noted a fairly recent repair by DCC of some of this area and that the first 50 metres of that route are affected by farmers vehicles.
HATOC will meet on 3 February.
Planning Applications
- SHDC Planning Decisions
The following decisions were noted:
- 095/21/CLP Greenslade House Greenslade Road Blackawton TQ9 7BP. Cerificate of Lawfulness for commencement of planning permission 2531/18/FUL. Cert of Lawfulness (Proposed) Certified.
- 4166/22/ARC Woodfin Cottage Blackawton TQ9 7BW. Application for approval of details reserved by condition 4 (schedule of materials) of planning consent 2099/22/HHO. Discharge of condition Approved.
- 3592/22/HHO 11 Cheavestone Lea Blackawton TQ9 7AU. Householder application for single storey rear dining & utility room extension with associated internal alterations & external works. Conditional Approval.
- 3172/22/TPO Wadstray House Blackawton TQ9 7DE. T1: Beech – remove to prevent tree failure onto property due to Ganoderma, T2: Beech – pollard to 10m from ground level to prevent tree failure onto road due to Ganoderma. Tree Works Allowed.
- 3533/22/PDM Higher Pasture Farm East Allington TQ9 7QA. Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of 3No. agricultural buildings to 5No. dwellinghouses (Class C3) and for associated operational development (Class Q (a+b)). Withdrawn.
- Review of New Applications
3929/22/FUL & 3930/22/LBC Larcombe Farm East Allington TQ9 7QB. Application & Application for listed building consent for planning approval and listed building consent for conversion of existing listed barn (part of which was historically built as a house) into additional self contained domestic accommodation ancillary to the existing farmhouse to which it is attached. Along with erection of an outbuilding for storage and bat roost.
It was resolved to Support.
Neighbouring parish: 2927/22/FUL, Halwell Business Park Halwell TQ9 7LQ. Provision of a new industrial warehouse building.
It was resolved to Support on the condition that solar panels are installed on the roof.
- Consultations
DCC, Local Nature Recovery Strategy – Organisations’ work, Closes 13/1/23
Devon and Severn IFCA, Proposed new Mobile Fishing Permit Byelaw 2022. Closes 20/01/23
No comment will be made by BPC on the consultations above.
Cost of Living – ‘Warm Place’ in The George Lion Inn
Cllr Coe commended the resource folder put together by Cllr Thomas. The ‘Warm Place’ events are not being used. They will run to the end of January 2023. It is expected that community lunches will take place weekly in the School from 2 February. It was resolve to grant £200 to support a trial to the end of March 2023 offering the community lunches funded by donation.
Blackawton ‘Community Natter’ Event
It was agreed that Cllrs Coe and Thomas will start a working group and will invite members of other groups in the Parish to join. They will feedback to BPC and the TQ6 Partnership is very willing to support the working group.
Home Energy Efficiency
Cllr Coe will provide an information pack to homes with a published energy efficiency rating of ‘F’.
Grounds Management in the Churchyard
A draft Action Plan has been circulated. Yellow rattle seed has been sown and three apple trees planted in the area approved by the Diocese. One proposal is for kerbed graves to be planted to created a mini flower meadow. Bulbs will be planted around the porch to the left of the entrance and next to paths. Cllr Coe will also plant two Rowans to replace the Ash removed recently. The management of the avenue of cherry trees is to be discussed by the February meeting.
Lengthsman Hours
It was resolved to allocate an additional ten hours in 22/23.
Clerk’s Role
The Clerk said a review will be done of the role’s priorities, and jobs which can be done differently or stopped. It was agreed subscription emails will be forwarded automatically.
Carbon Savvy Course
The action from Module 1 is to calculate a carbon footprint – which shows where the biggest gains are to be found. The resources show how to do this – there are three options which take around 5 mins, the Taster (1 min) or Full calculator (45 mins). The Clerk will advertise the Module 1 resources. Module 2 – Home Energy – will be screened at the start of the 7 February meeting of BPC (a 15 minute video).
Update on Current Financial Position
The financial reports were noted. They showed a total balance of £54,693.48, un-earmarked general fund of £13,664.59, and bank accounts reconciled.
Payments & Receipts
It was resolved to authorise the following payments:
ARCCAS, Churchyard frequent maintenance zones, 5/10/22 & 2/11/22, £180.00
Parish Lengthsman, 22/10-21/11, £473.00
KD Plant Hire, Digger work to grade in Cemetery, £350.00+VAT
Clerk, December 2022 Expenses reimbursement, £17.29
The following payments made since the December meeting were noted:
Clerk, December Salary, £527.45
HMRC, December, £136.20
NEST Pensions, December, £47.66
2023/24 Budget
A Zoom discussion on Wednesday 18 January at 2pm and an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 25 January at 2 pm were scheduled to discuss and decide 23/24 budget.
The following invitation was noted. The Clerk will share a map showing the part of Blackawton which is in the AONB.
Invitation – South Devon AONB 2023 Partners Conference, 25/1/23 Moreleigh Hall
Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next monthly meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 7 February 2022 at 7:30 p.m.