The approved minutes for the 1 February meeting of the Paris Council can be read below or
downloaded here: MN_2022_February BPC Approved Minutes
APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council held on Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Rake (Chair), Curry, Thomas, and Mallyon were present, as were Devon County Cllr Brazil for his report, and A Thom (Clerk).
Open Forum – No matters raised.
17/22 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Coe and Mewes, and South Hams District Councillor Reeve.
18/22 Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Rake and Thomas declared an interest in the Blackawton Business Units.
19/22 Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of the Meeting held on 11 January 2022 were approved.
20/22 Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
Cllr Reeve’s written report was read by Cllr Rake:
There is a lump sum of money from the climate change fund at SHDC to be dedicated to any new composting projects. As well as this l would be happy to give part of my locality fund to such a project in Blackawton.
SHDC are very pleased they have come 13th so are in the top 20 of District Councils with their Climate Action Plans.
Garden waste collection – the Council is fairly confident this will resume around the end of March, let’s hope so.
Housing – SHDC is encouraging downsizing and has ideas in the pipeline to help those in social housing to buy their own home. This will be to help them obtain a part buy part rent property by helping with the deposit. This in turn will free up social housing properties helping those in need of a home.
The Council has a project in hand to rewild ‘green spaces’ in towns and parishes belonging to SHDC but this does not apply to Blackawton (please correct me if need be).
Dartmouth Youth Group has started at the Leisure centre. No need to book just turn up. First two sessions free. 01803 837010
Fly tipping is high at the moment, please report it online or contact me if need be.
I continue to work with the Parish Council and Vistry at French Furze, but welcome residents to get in touch if need be.
21/22 Report from Devon County Council Councillor
Deferred pending the arrival of Councillor Brazil from another meeting.
22/22 Village Speed Limit – Extension beyond French Furze
The receipt of the response from DCC regarding moving the village speed limit to beyond French Furze was deferred pending the arrival of Councillor Brazil from another meeting.
23/22 Planning Issues
23/22.1 SHDC Planning Decisions
Decisions noted as follows:
- 4307/21/HHO The Old Vicarage Vicarage Road Blackawton TQ9 7AY. Householder application for refurbishment and replacement of single storey extension. Conditional Approval.
- 4104/21/HHO Brook Cottage Eastdown Blackawton TQ9 7AP. Householder application for proposed extension and alterations. Refusal.
23/22.2 Review of New Applications
- 4783/21/ARC Pasture Farm Lane To Pasture Farm East Allington Devon TQ9 7QA. Application for Approval of Details Reserved by Conditions 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 for Planning Permission 0232/19/FUL.
No comment made by BPC.
24/22 Report from Devon County Council Councillor
The Budget meeting on 17 February will consider approval of a proposed 2% increase in DCC’s component of Council Tax plus a 1% increase in adult social care permitted before triggering a referendum
It appears DCC will create 20 mile per hour zones in all Devon villages. A final decision is expected in the near future. The costs and implementation protocol are pending.
Councillor Brazil suggested that BPC may like to talk to local villages which already have interactive speed signs about the signs. Councillor Brazil confirmed that parish councils can move interactive signs between locations which have been agreed by DCC.
Councillor Brazil will obtain current costs and options for reducing the street lighting in the village. He is obtaining further details regarding his proposal for parish councils to take on responsibility for cyclic cleaning on the highway.
25/22 Village Speed Limit – Extension beyond French Furze
This item to receive the response from DCC regarding moving the village speed limit to beyond French Furze was deferred pending a response from the relevant section of DCC.
26/22 French Furze Project
BPC has done a site visit. The Clerk was instructed to feedback BPC’s concerns regarding the quality of landscaping on the non-transferable land and that BPC is awaiting contact from Vistry regarding the transferable land. The Clerk was asked to arrange a discussion with DCC.
27/22 Slapton Line Monument Maintenance Draft Maintenance Agreement
Deferred awaiting further details about the final proposal.
28/22 Blackawton Superfast Broadband Connectivity
It was resolved to approve the proposal to nominate Cllr Steve Thomas as BPC’s representative on the Airband fibre network project, and to request Airband share its proposed local fibre network map with BPC.
29/22 Environment Policy Community Action Plan
Consideration of adoption of the December 2021 revision and action to install bird and bat boxes was deferred due to the absence of key councillors.
30/22 Request from a former resident to purchase Exclusive Right of Burial to a grave in the Cemetery
It was resolved to approve the application. The applicant has very strong local connections.
31/22 Cemetery Memorial Grants
It was resolved to approve the recommendations to attach a period of time and maintenance obligations to all future grants.
32/22 Proposed procedure for digging cremation graves in the Cemetery
It was resolved to approve the procedure with a revision to wording but not meaning of the section regarding insurance and liability.
33/22 Memorial Safety Inspection
Who the testing will be done by, timing, and advertisement of the inspection were approved by resolution as per the proposal. The testing will be done by Councillors Rake and Mallyon at the end March or early April.
34/22 Masons permitted to work in the Cemetery
It was resolved to approve the proposal that commencing immediately Masons approved to work in the Cemetery must have professional association membership and proof of public liability insurance, and that a transition arrangement can be agreed only where work has commenced and no alternative can be found.
35/22 Street Lighting
DCC Cllr Brazil will seek current information as agreed earlier in the meeting. The process to carry out a public consultation on the proposals to remove or reduce street lighting in the village will be an item on the next Agenda.
36/22 Finance
36/22.1 Update on Current Financial Position
The Report, which contained a current balance of £61,126.70 and unearmarked reserves of £15,967.29, was received.
36/22.2 Payment Due
The payment of Clerk Expenses CE29 was approved. The Clerk noted it will be reduced from £20.26 due to shared Zoom access.
36/22.3 Clerk’s Overtime Claim
The claim for five hours overtime was approved.
37/22 Councillor Allowances
It was resolved to approve the payment of parish basic allowances of £120 per councillor in 21/22.
38/22 Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 1 March 2022 at 7:30 p.m.