The draft minutes can be downloaded here or read belowMN_2022_April BPC Approved Minutes
APPROVED Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Blackawton Parish Council on Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in Blackawton Village Hall
Present: Councillors Rake (Chair), Mewes (Vice-Chair), Coe, Curry, Mallyon, and Thomas were present, as were South Hams District Councillor Reeve, A Thom (Clerk), and one member of the public.
Open Forum
- Chair, Blackawton Playing Fields Committee
The Committee is struggling for members and the Playground’s maintenance needs are increasing. If more support isn’t received the Committee will ultimately need to close. Residents may not be aware that the Playground is owned and maintained by other residents. Events and promotions may be useful. Cllr Rake will discuss in his Beacon article.
- Neighbourhood Sergeant, Devon & Cornwall Police
They had hoped to attend but were called away and sent apologies. Available to meet in person or virtually.
69/22 Absent
Councillor Oughton and Devon County Councillor Brazil were absent.
70/22 Declarations of Interest
Councillors Rake and Thomas have declared a Registerable Interest in the Blackawton Business Units and been granted dispensations until 25 May 2023, to speak and vote.
71/22 Minutes of Previous Meetings
The Minutes of the Meetings held on 1 March 2022 and 14 March 2022 were approved.
72/22 Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
Councillor Reeve reported that 22 homes have been offered to house Ukrainian refugees, and 14 have been assessed and are expecting refugees. SHDC has given £10,000 in aid.
SHDC’s Locality Officers are out patrolling to assist, for example with problems with dogs or antisocial behaviour.
The Freeport is a massive joint project between Plymouth, South Hams, and West Devon Councils. It is looking hopeful it will proceed. It will mainly support marine and space industries.
Councillor Reeve has started to look into a reported dog waste issue at French Furze. SHDC Officers’ initial reply is that SHDC will relocate a bin but not provide a new bin. The meeting of BPC suggested that the increased housing numbers at French Furze would justify a new bin. Councillor Reeve will follow this matter up.
73/22 Report from Devon County Council Councillor
Devon County Councillor Brazil sent apologies for the meeting and a written report:
There is not a great deal to report. The moving of the Slapton Memorial seems in hand – we are now waiting on DCC for a planning application.
The A381 is shut from Halwell to Churchstow for the next few weeks, weekday evenings only, for resurfacing.
74/22 Planning Applications
74/22.1 SHDC’s Planning Decisions
The decisions following decision was noted:
- 4700/21/TEX Wadstray House, Blackawton, TQ9 7DE. T5: Beech – Fell due to excessive decay at middle section of trunk, gradual decline to crown and in close proximity to main road and house; T1: Sweet Chestnut – Fell due to increase in decay at base, decline to crown and potential danger to adjacent property; T2: Oak – Fell due to death of tree and danger to adjacent property. Grant of Exemption.
74/22.2 Review of New Applications
- 0678/22/FUL Stancombe Wood Cornish Post Blackawton TQ9 7AW. Provision of a grain/straw store (resubmission of 0119/21/FUL).
No comment by BPC.
75/22 Consultations
- Joint Local Plan Planning for the Climate Emergency. Closes 21 April
- Devon Carbon Plan. Closes 14 April.
No comment by BPC on the above consultations.
76/22 Support for Ukraine
It was resolved to express support by signing up to the statement by the political leadership of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, as described in the National Association of Local Council’s Ukraine Briefing.
BPC would make local refugees welcome and encourages the community to do the same.
77/22 Slapton Line Memorial Relocation – Parish Maintenance Agreement
No new issues have been raised with the Agreement for BPC to consider. It was agreed that the Clerk can write to enquire about the source of the population data in the Agreement.
78/22 French Furze Project
SHDC Councillor Reeve has been contacted about the complaint of a dog waste problem in the area of the MUGA and car park. It was resolved to write to SHDC about the high earth banks with poles inserted in them, as circulated.
79/22 Annual Parish Meeting
BPC is arranging an opportunity for the community to meet and to discuss projects currently taking place in Blackawton, for Blackawton’s community groups to present, and to review the past two years and consider the current opportunities and challenges. The Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 17 May from 7:30pm.
80/22 Climate Change
It was resolved to declare a Climate Emergency.
81/22 Cemetery Regulations
It was agreed to update the Regulations to exempt Masons providing cremation tablets from the requirement for NAMM or BRAMM accreditation.
Cllrs Rake and Mallyon will bring to the 10 May meeting a proposal regarding limiting the permitted height of tablets.
82/22 Parish Lengthsman’s Contract
The renewal of the contract for one year 1/4/22-31/3/23 and its form as circulated were confirmed.
83/22 Clerk’s Report on BPC’s Laptop and Software
The Clerk will provide a proposal to the 10 May meeting.
84/22 Devon Association of Local Councils Website Access for Councillors
The proposal to provide access to information but not to book training without prior authorisation was agreed.
85/22 Refresher and Code of Conduct Training for Councillors
It was decided to offer Data Protection training to Councillors and that Councillors can use their DALC access to book this training for themselves.
86/22 Finance
86/22.1 Update on Current Financial Position
The Report, which showed a balance of £54,815.55 and earmarked reserves of £41,906.83 on 31 March, and the bank reconciliation were noted.
86/22.2 Payments & Receipts
The following payments were approved:
- Clerk’s Expenses Reimbursement CE31, £568.86
- Kingsbridge Websites, New pages and posts, £30
- Lengthsman 20 November 2021 – 9 Feb 2022, £500.00
The following receipts were noted:
- Resident, Interment, £125.00
- Resident, Exclusive right of burial and interment, £250.00
86/22.3 Insurance Premium
The payment of the Insurance renewal premium of £ 428.04 for the third year of a three year agreement was approved.
86/22.4 Clerk’s Overtime Claim
The claim for 10 hours over time was approved because of an unusually busy month in March.
86/22.5 Specialist Software for Management of Finances and/or for Management of the Cemetery
BPC resolve to commence use of Scribe software for Cemetery and Accounts. As members of DALC BPC will not be charged the setup fee. The year 1 and ongoing annual fees will be £144 and £228 respectively.
87/22 Correspondence
The following correspondence was noted for information:
- 11/3/22, Stoke Fleming Parish Council Chair, Jubilee Celebrations
- 8/3/22 SHDC, New telegraph poles being installed for the broadband project
- 7/3/22 SHDC, Council-backed low interest-rate lending scheme for local home owners to make essential repairs and efficiency improvements
- February 2022, Lloyds Bank, Change to terms and conditions
- DCC Wild About Devon Talk, Three key environmental topics: grass cutting, pesticides and tree planting. 29/4/22l, 12:00-1:30pm via Zoom.
- Dartmouth Together – Reactivation of the group and a meeting.
- Mobile Boost Scheme – Vouchers of up to £1,200 available for businesses and households towards cost of one of a number of mobile signal booster options from a registered supplier
88/22 Next Meeting
It was confirmed that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10 May 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
89/22 Closure of the Meeting
No further matters to address.
90/22 Quotes
No quotes for work or services agreed by the meeting still to address.