Approved Minutes 2021 July 15

Jul 23, 2021 | Minutes

The minutes can be downloaded here or read below  MN_2021_July 15 BPC Approved Minutes

APPROVED Minutes of meetings of Blackawton Parish Council held Thursday 15 July 2021
via public Zoom videoconferencing at 2:30 p.m.
Followed by an extraordinary meeting in Blackawton Village Hall at 3:15 pm

 Zoom Videoconferencing Meeting at 2:30 p.m.

Present: Cllrs Rake (Chair), Mewes (Vice-Chair), Thomas, and Coe. Cllr Coe joined during the meeting and A Thom (Clerk) was present for part of the meeting.


Apologies for absence were noted from Cllr Perry.

Declarations of Interest

None declared.

Churchyard Wall Maintenance

The meeting approved removal by BPC’s Maintenance Contractor of vegetation from the section of the Churchyard wall near the School staff room, followed by repair of the capping stonework by TJD Construction with stonework expenditure of up to £440 authorised.

Churchyard Trees

The meeting agreed that arrangements will be made to remove two dead cherry trees and dead branches from other cherry trees as necessary.

Payments Made, Due and Received

The following payments were approved:

  • TJD Construction, Repair of churchyard wall pillar at Cousins Cross, £183.36
  • Grounds maintenance contractor, one June cut of Churchyard & Cemetery, £210

Cemetery Supplies

The meeting approved expenditure up to to a maximum of £200 for equipment to facilitate the digging of ashes burial plots in the cremation section of the cemetery

Closure of the Meeting

It was resolved to close the meeting because of the commercial-in-confidence nature of the business.

Landscape Maintenance Contract

The meeting considered the contract, applications received, and who to offer the contract to.

It was resolved to award the grounds maintenance contract to ARCASS Ltd for a period to run to the end of 2022.


Meeting in Blackawton Village Hall at 3:15 pm

Present; Councillors Rake (Chair), Coe, and Thomas


Apologies for absence were noted from Cllrs Perry and Thomas.

129/21  Decisions made in the Zoom meeting

The decisions of the videoconferencing meeting were noted as minuted above.

It was resolved to ratify all these decisions as decisions of the Council.