Agenda 2023 November 07

Nov 2, 2023 | Agendas

The Agenda can be read below or downloaded here: AG_2023_November BPC

To all members of Blackawton Parish Council 2 November 2023

You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Blackawton Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 7 November 2023 at 7:30 p.m. in St Michael’s Church, Blackawton for the purpose of transacting the following business.

OPEN FORUM – The Chairman invites Questions from Parishioners

  1. Apologies

To receive apologies for absence

  1. Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

To consider co-option to fill one vacant position.

  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of Members’ interests in Agenda items

  1. Minutes of Previous Meetings

To approve minutes of the Meeting held 3 October 2023.

  1. Report from South Hams District Council Councillor

  2. Report from Devon County Council Councillor

  3. Planning Applications

    1. SHDC Planning Decisions

To note the decisions as follows:

  • 2729/23/FUL Blackawton Village Hall Vicarage Road Blackawton TQ9 7AY. Replacement roof. Conditional Approval.

  • 2778/23/TPO Wadstray House Blackawton TQ9 7DE. T1: Ash – fell due to evidence of dieback – due to proximity to house. Tree Works Allowed.

  • 2052/23/ARC Proposed Development At Sx 8074 5071 Land at Greenslade Road, Blackawton TQ9 7BP. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 10 (Facing Materials), 11 (Slates), 12 (Stonework Panel) and 16 (Boundary Treatment) of planning consent 1972/17/FUL. Discharge of condition Approved.

    1. Review of New Applications

To comment to SHDC on the following applications:

  • 3382/23/PDM Land At Sx 801 505 Blackawton. Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of agricultural buildings/barns to 2No dwellinghouses (class C3) & for associated development (Class Q (a+b))
    For information only.

  1. Consultations
  • SHDC Public Space Protection Orders for dog control in the District. Closes 14/11/23

  • SHDC Council Tax Reduction Scheme Review, Closes 28/11/23

  • Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, Level of Council Tax contribution, Closes 30/11/23

  • DCC, Call for sites: EV charging Parish & Community car parks in Devon, Closes 17/11/23

  1. Registering The George Inn as an Asset of Community Value

To note survey responses and to consider whether to now submit an application to SHDC.

  1. Phone Box Restoration

To consider the Report and how to proceed.

  1. Cemetery Grounds Maintenance and Planting Proposal

To consider the proposal.

  1. Parish Basic Allowances

To note the Chair’s Discretionary Fund balance of £1,110.19, to consider the payment of 23/24 allowances to elected Cllrs, & to consider Cllrs instructing payment directly to Fund if that is their wish.

  1. Subscription Emails

To consider the proposal for Councillors to subscribe individually to subscriptions of interest to them.

  1. Remembrance Service Sunday 12 November at 10:50 am

To confirm arrangements and donation to Royal British Legion.

  1. Finance

    1. Update on Current Financial Position

To receive Financial Reports.

    1. Payments & Receipts

To authorise the following payments

  • Parish Online subscription, £58.80

  • Blackawton Parish Church, Hire of Narthex 2/11/23, £20.00

  • Clerk, October expenses reimbursement, £96.97

  • CHT, Defibrillator Annual Support, £198.00

  • ARCCAS Churchyard frequent cuts, 05/9 & 21/9, £96.00 each

  • ARCCAS Churchyard frequent cuts, 03/10 & 17/10, £96.00 each

  • ARCCAS Cemetery frequent cuts, 03/10 & 17/10, £108.00 each

  • Maintenance Contractor, bus shelter cleans, vegetation from wall, repair to cemetery bench, £758.00

To note payments made since the October meeting

  • ARCCAS, Cemetery frequent cuts, 05/9 & 21/9, £108.00 each

To note receipts:

  • Interment and EROB, Lawn cemetery, £500

  • Allwood of Totnes, Additional inscription, £40.00

  • Interment and EROB, Lawn cemetery, £250

    1. Fireworks Grant Application

To consider an application for support.

  1. Correspondence

For information or consideration.

  • West Dart Bus, Grant application From, For incorporation in budgeting process

  • Energy Wise Show Totnes Civic Hall, 11th November, 12-5pm

  • SHDC, Invitation advertise Christmas events in its website, social media and print campaigns

  • SHDC, 26/10/23, Notice of canvassing to confirm Electoral Registration details

  • SHDC Monitoring Officer, 31/10/23, Reminder to Cllrs to keep Registers of Interests current

  • DALC, ‘Connect’ event 25/10/23, Devon Housing Commission’s work on Devon housing crisis

  • DCC, 2/11/23, Request for information about flooding incidents

  • DCC, Invitation to Towns & Parishes budget meetings in November & December

  1. Next Meeting

To note the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 5 December 2023 at 7:30 p.m.

  1. Closure of the Meeting

To consider a resolution, in accordance with the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, to exclude the public and press during consideration of the following item(s) because of the employment or commercial-in-confidence nature of the business.

  1. Dead Cemetery Ash Tree Removal Quotes

To choose a contractor to remove the tree.

  1. Grounds Maintenance Contract

To consider the arrangements for the 2024 contract and its specifications.

  1. Internal Auditor 2023/24

To consider choosing an auditor for the 2023/24 Internal Audit.

  1. Annual Leave Request

To consider the annual leave request.


Annette Thom, Parish Clerk