The Agenda for the Parish Council’s meeting on 6 October 2020 at 7:30 pm can be read below or downloaded as a pdf here: AG_2020_October BPC
To all members of Blackawton Parish Council 1 October 2020
You are hereby summoned to attend the monthly meeting of Blackawton Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 6 October 2020 at 7:30 p.m. using public videoconferencing for the purpose of transacting the following business.
- SHDC Public presentation – Changes to our recycling service from March 2021
- The Chairman invites questions from Parishioners
- Apologies
To receive apologies for absence
- Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of Members’ interests in Agenda items
- Minutes of Previous Meetings
To approve minutes of the Meeting held 8 September 2020.
- COVID-19 Response
To review the project to ensure that residents and visitors have access to support and information.
- Report from South Hams District Council Councillor
To note and agree any action necessary following verbal report.
- Report from Devon County Council Councillor
To note and agree any action necessary following verbal report.
- Planning Issues
- SHDC Planning Approvals/Refusals
To note the decisions as follows:
- 1819/20/HHO Sea View Church Hill Blackawton TQ9 7BQ. Householder application for proposed first floor kitchen extension with toilet and door to garden. Conditional Approval.
- 2013/20/HHO Broadley Farm Blackawton TQ9 7AJ. Householder application for proposed conversion of integral garage to existing dwelling. Conditional Approval.
- 2144/20/HHO Woodcott Blackawton TQ9 7AA. Householder application for alteration and extension. 2144/20/HHO. Conditional Approval.
- 2541/20/AGR Middle Wadstray Farm Lane To Middle Wadstray Farm Blackawton TQ9 7DD. Agricultural prior notification for proposed equipment shed. Ag Determination details not required.
- 1533/20/FUL Land at North Millcombe Blackawton Totnes TQ9 7AE. New agricultural pole barn for storage and processing of apples for cider and other small scale crops produced on the holding, include farm office area and workers’ rest area.
- Review of New Applications
To comment, with recommendations as necessary, to South Hams on the following applications:
- 2929/20/PDM The Linney, Woodford Farm, Blackawton, Totnes, TQ9 7AA. Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed change of use of agricultural building to dwellinghouse (Class C3) and for associated building operations (Class Q(a+b)).
- 2713/20/CLP The Old Farmhouse Blackawton TQ9 7AE. Certificate of lawfulness for proposed siting of caravan ancillary to existing dwelling.
- 2914/20/ARC Watsons Barn Park Lane Blackawton. Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 4-6, 8-12 &14 of planning consent 0620/19/FUL.
- 3131/20/HHO 55 French Furze Road Blackawton TQ9 7FN. Householder application for erection of single storey conservatory and single storey garden shed (resubmission of 0142/20/HHO).
- French Furze Project & Business Units
To receive report on meeting with Linden Homes.
To discuss any project issues and action required.
- Churchyard Wall
To consider repair of extensive loose stones on the churchyard wall’s capping, Cousins Cross entrance, and small area on Main Street wall.
- New Trustee West Dart Bus – Ivybridge and District Community Transport Association
To consider proposing a replacement for the retiring Blackawton based trustee.
- Finance
- Update on Current Financial Position
To receive report and bank reconciliation.
- Payments Due and Receipts
To approve the following payment:
- Grounds maintenance contractor, Cemetery Cut September, £60.00
To note the payment received:
- 15/09/2020, SHDC, Precept second instalment, £8,141.50
- To approve Clerk’s Expenses Reimbursement CE20
- To consider request from Blackawton Playing Fields Committee for a grant for tree removal
- Correspondence
To note, and respond as necessary to, miscellaneous correspondence.
- 30/9/20, Abandoned caravan on Strete road, referred to DCC which is managing
- 24/8/20 Dartmouth Town Council, Request for meeting and public space to extend community service
- Reports from Parish Councillors and Wardens
To note, and agree action on, verbal reports.
- Next Meeting
To confirm that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 3 November 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
The meeting will be held using Zoom videoconferencing. Meeting ID: 865 5959 1148.
To join the meeting:
Paste this link in your browser or click this link LINK
Dial in by phone +44 203 481 5237
- You do not need to subscribe to Zoom to join the meeting.
- You will be held in an online ‘waiting area’ until the meeting starts.
- Please, if you can, turn your video on – not only would it be lovely to see you, but it really helps you to feel engaged with the meeting.
Annette Thom
Parish Clerk