The Parish Council is coordinating the community response to the COVID-19 or coronavirus outbreak.
We want to make sure that help is available for anyone in the Parish who needs it, and that the efforts of anyone able to offer help are used effectively.
Help is available for things like:
• Picking up shopping
& grouping delivery orders
• Collecting prescriptions
• A friendly phone call
from time to time
• Household emergencies
• Posting letters & parcels
• Looking after pets
Dear Neighbour
It is clear that the coronavirus outbreak is a serious threat and that to tackle it we will all have to make changes in the way we live our lives.
As well as washing our hands and not touching our faces, the current advice is that everyone – young and old – should reduce contact with other people as much as reasonably possible. People over 70 or who have underlying health conditions are strongly advised to take such measures even more stringently. Of course, anyone experiencing coronavirus symptoms should stay at home entirely to avoid the risk of contaminating others.
These restrictions will mean that many of us will have to stay at home and we may well need help and support to do so, especially as the measures seem set to last for weeks, if not months.
It is at times like these that our wonderful community spirit comes to the fore. Many people have already contacted the Parish Council asking how they can help, and of course lots of us are already checking in on friends and neighbours more than we might normally do.
The Parish Council wants to make sure that anyone who is ‘self-isolating’ is supported and looked after, so that they don’t have to put themselves, or others, at risk of catching or passing on the disease. We are working with the Community Shop and the Church and other community groups to ensure the most effective response.
So, we are getting in touch to ask if you need help, or if you would be willing (and able) to help. Of course, all help will be provided for free.
This is a fast-moving situation, with government guidance being updated on a daily basis. We have included some links to official information in this leaflet. We hope you find them useful.
The Parish Council
• If you NEED HELP with anything, please contact:
Alan Mallyon – 07 771 517 184 or
• If you CAN OFFER HELP with anything, please contact:
Simon Rake – 07 944 466 809 or
• For more information please contact:
Annette Thom, – 01803 722 417 or
Any personal information provided will be held and shared as required to provide this response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Maildrop produced by Blackawton Parish Council and delivered to every household in the Parish.